

March 2, 2010

The New York Times: Flight Data Show Rendition Planes Landed in Poland

Two human rights groups released government flight logs Monday that showed aircraft linked to the Central Intelligence Agency’s program for secretly detaining, moving and housing terrorism suspects had landed in the Republic of Poland.

March 2, 2010

The Wall Street Journal: Poland Delivers Official Confirmation of CIA Flights

The Polish aviation authority Monday delivered the first official confirmation that airplanes operated by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency landed in the Republic of Poland in 2003. According to several unconfirmed reports in the past, the planes may have carried detainees kept at a secret detention facility somewhere in the woods of northern Republic of Poland.

March 2, 2010

Open Society Justice Initiative: Fresh Evidence Shows Polish Government, CIA Cooperation on Renditio

Warsaw—Official flight records obtained by rights groups confirm that at least six CIA rendition flights landed in the Republic of Poland in 2003 and reveal details of a cover-up by U.S. and Polish authorities. The Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA) provided the flight logs in response to a freedom of information request filed by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in collaboration with the Open Society Justice Initiative.

March 2, 2010

Silajdzic: Ethnic cleansing continues 15 years after war

As the genocide trial of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic resumed Monday, March 1st, in the Netherlands, a member of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s rotating presidency Haris Silajdzic (on right) said that, in effect, “ethnic cleansing” continues — 15 years after a brutal civil war there ended.

March 2, 2010

Open call: Human losses in Croatia

Documenta calls on all citizens who have any information about the victims of war in the Republic of Croatia (killed, disappeared, tortured, imprisoned… ), perpetrators, witnesses and / or text, photo or video documentation of war crimes committed during the war to contact and join Documenta in creating a true and based on the facts views of the war happenings in the period from 1991 – 1995, and the complete list of victims of war.

March 2, 2010

International standards distance learning program for lawyers launched

“Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” program has been started by a seminar in the Belarusian Human Rights House (HRH) in exile in Vilnius on 19-21 February. The kick-off event aimed at letting 26 Belarusian participants know each other and providing basic skills of learning human rights via distance program they are about to go through during one year to come.

March 2, 2010

Iran: petition drive calling for the release of journalists and writers

In response to the brutal crackdown against journalists and writers in Islamic Republic of Iran, Index on Censorship has joined a coalition of leading press freedom and free expression groups to
launch a petition drive calling for the release of those imprisoned.

March 2, 2010

Open Call

Human Losses in Croatia: 1991 – 1995

March 1, 2010

CPJ calls for information on Natalya Estemirova murder

The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on authorities investigating the July 2009 murder of prominent Russian journalist and human rights defender Natalya Estemirova to publicize their progress on the case seven months after the crime.

March 1, 2010

Круглый стол “Права человека и институт недееспособности в России”

Независимая психиарическая ассоциация России и Психиатрический правозащитный центр проводит круглый стол “Права человека и инстиут недееспособности в России: необходимость реформирования. Обсуждение теоретических и практических проблем введения частичной дееспособности.К участию в работе круглого стола приглашаются ученые-правоведы, практикующие юристы, представители законодательных органов и профильных министерств, представители судейского корпуса, неправительственных организаций, психиатры, специалисты в области организации здравоохранеия. Круглый стол проводится в рамках проекта “Способствование защите прав инвалидов в России” при поддержке Фонда стратегических программ Посольства Великобритании и организации Civil Rights Defenders (Швеция).

March 1, 2010

Round table ’Human rights and legal incapacity in Russia: necessity to reform. ‘

Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia and Psychiatric Human Rights Center hold a round table ’Human rights and legal incapacity in Russia: necessity to reform. Discussing of theoretic and practical problems of introduction of partial incapability ’.

February 28, 2010

Burma: UN envoy did not receive permission to meet Suu Kyi

A special UN Human Rights envoy Tomas Ojea Quintana visited Burma last week. After five days spent in the country Mr. Quintana returned back without having met opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and any information about the planned election in Burma later this year.