

February 16, 2010

Love fest with riot police attending

On 14 February in Minsk during a traditional street celebration of Valentine’s Day 20 to 30 people were detained and all who gathered were brutally dispersed by riot police. Thus, Young Front activists and others had to celebrate the All Lovers’ Day in police custody.

February 16, 2010

Kadyrov drops charges against two human rights defenders but pressure continues

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), takes note of the announcement of Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov’s decision to withdraw the complaints filed against two prominent human rights defenders, but remains concerned about the continuing threats faced by defenders in the Chechen Republic.

February 16, 2010

Human Rights House Zagreb collects donations for endangered Haitians

Green Action and the members of the Human Rights House Zagreb (B.a.B.e., CMS, Documenta, and GOLJP) organized a fundraising night on Saturday, January 30th 2010, in the premises of the Human Rights House Zagreb, in order provide a donor assistance for the victims in Haiti.

February 16, 2010

28th Human Rights School in Macedonia

School of Human Rights in FYR Macedonia was held from 12-19 January 2010 in hotel “Granit” in Ohrid. It included 25 high school students aged 16-19 years coming from different cities throughout FYR Macedonia.

February 16, 2010

UPR of B&H

Public Webcast Event at Mediacenter Sarajevo

February 15, 2010

Акцыя любові не абышлася без міліцыі

14 лютага пры правядзенні традыцыйнай акцыі, прысвечанай да дня закаханых, у Мінску было затрымана ад 20 да 30 чалавек, а сама акцыя – жорстка разагнаная. Такім чынам, актывістам моладзевай арганізацыі “Малады фронт” давялося святкаваць Дзень святога Валянціна ў аддзяленнях міліцыі.

February 15, 2010

Riot police arrests 23 peaceful activists in Zagreb, Croatia

At 03.30 AM last Thursday in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, around 100 riot police officers arrested 23 activists from “Green Action” and “Right to the City”. The raid took place just hours after 4000 people turned out in snowy conditions to protest against turning part of the pedestrian zone into a ramp for an underground garage planned as part of the Floral Square (Cvjetni trg) and as part of luxury flat complexes that are developing in the old part of Zagreb.

February 15, 2010

GOLJP Press Conference

Disinforming public

February 13, 2010

Belarusian university #1: in line with European standards?

This week Belarusian State University was accepted into the European University Association. It happened despite systematic violations of academic freedoms and regular instances of politically motivated student expulsions in this institution of higher education.

February 12, 2010

LRA still on the war path, causing increased havoc in northeast DRC

Eight months after the end of joint military operations by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Republic of Uganda, many parts of Orientale Province, in northeastern DRC, are still in turmoil, says the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Attacks on civilians by Ugandan rebels and local militias have left 340,000 people displaced, and 30,000 refugees have fled to Republic of the Sudan.

February 12, 2010

Mob attacks gay wedding party

Kenya’s would-be first gay wedding was violently stopped by protesting youths and police on Friday at Mtwapa near Mombasa, hours before it was due to take place.

February 12, 2010

Free Press and Free Expression Organisations to Iran: Release Jailed Journalists

A coalition of leading international journalists´, writers´, and publishers´ organisations on 11 February launched a campaign to press the government of Islamic Republic of Iran to release their colleagues imprisoned in the wake of last year´s disputed presidential election in the Islamic Republic of Iran.