

March 4, 2010

Main culprits for the election-related violence in Kenya named

The main individuals in charge of orchestrating the massive violence that followed in the immediate wake of the announcement of Mwai Kibaki’s alleged victory in the parliamentary and presidential elections in the Republic of Kenya late September 2007 were named in a recent newscast on Kenyan tv. Watch the news item from Youtube below.

March 4, 2010

Voice of America news broadcasts jammed in Ethiopia

Voice of America (VOA) reported today that its transmissions to Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are being electronic jammed. The Ethiopian government denied responsibility. VOA cited “international shortwave radio monitors” and complaints from listeners in Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia since February 22 about static the U.S. government-funded station’s daily, hour-long shortwave broadcast from Washington in Amharic—the country’s main official language.

March 4, 2010

Protestant church is an enemy of nature?

New Life, a protestant congregation, was fined 272 millions BYR (almost 100,000 USD) by a court. Charges of alleged nature pollution were brought forward by the Minsk municipality environmental protection department. Church members were certain that a huge fine was yet another attempt to pressure the protestant community. The church had been in a stand off with the authorities for more than 7 years.

March 3, 2010

Ethiopian opposition politician stabbed to death

An Ethiopian opposition politician and parliamentary aspirant was stabbed to death yesterday and a second one seriously wounded when attackers raided their respective homes in Makalle and Axum in Tigray, 783 km north of Addis Ababa, party officials said.

March 3, 2010

ICC names 20 people most responsible for post-election clashes in Kenya

Following a request for additional information from the International Criminal Court (ICC) earlier this month, its Prosecutor today named the 20 people he says are most responsible for the deadly post-election ethnic violence which swept Republic of Kenya in December 2007 and January 2008. Last November, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, right, sought authorization from the Court’s pre-trial chamber to open an investigation into the ethnic violence that erupted following the disputed polls in which President Mwai Kibaki of the Party of National Unity (PNU) was declared the winner.

March 3, 2010

Пратэстанцкая царква – вораг экалогіі?

Пратэстанцкая царква “Новае жыццё” па пазове камітэта аховы прыроды Мінгарвыканкама 26 лютага была аштрафаваная на 263 мільёна рублёў (гэта амаль 100.000 даляраў). Падстава для вынясення судовага рашэння – нібыта нанесеная царквой шкода навакольнаму асяроддзю. Вернікі не сумняюцца, што прысуд у выглядзе такой вялікай сумы – чарговая спроба ціску на пратэстанцкую абшчыну, супрацьстаянне з уладамі якой працягваецца ні многа ні мала – больш за 7 год.

March 3, 2010

Ejup Ganic arrested in UK on Serbia warrant

A member of Bosnia’s war-time presidency, Ejup Ganic, right, was arrested in London on Monday at the request of Serbian authorities. The arrest followed a request submitted by Serbia late on Sunday, alleging Ganic’s responsibility for war crimes related to an attack by Bosnian troops against a column of Yugoslav People’s Army, JNA, troops in Sarajevo at the start of Bosnia’s 1992-95 war.

March 2, 2010

Remembering a brave journalist in Azerbaijan

Today, it is exactly 5 years ago today since the threats hanging over Azerbaijan’s highly-popular investigative journalist Elmar Huseynov, right, were finally enacted. The 38-year old Huseynov, founder and chief editor of weekly “Monitor”, was shot seven times by a silencer pistol and killed in the stairwells of his apartment in capital Baku on 2 March 2005.

March 2, 2010

Online protest keeps spotlight on Ugandan anti-gay bill

More than 450,000 people have signed an online petition urging Uganda’s parliament to drop a bill that would impose the death sentence for the crime of “aggravated homosexuality” – when an HIV-positive person has sex with anyone who is disabled or under the age of 18.

March 2, 2010

Obama met Dalai Lama: follow up actions expected

US President Obama met His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the White House on February 18, 2010, despite mounting pressure from the People´s Republic of China for Obama not to go ahead with the meeting. The Norwegian Tibet Committee (NTC) hopes the meeting can help to get the Chinese government to the negotiating table for a mutually acceptable solution to the Tibet issue.

March 2, 2010

Guardian: Poland admits role in CIA rendition programme

Warsaw air control service confirms that at least six CIA flights landed at disused military air base in northern Republic of Poland in 2003. The Polish authorities have for the first time admitted their involvement in the CIA’s secret programme for the rendition of high-level terrorist suspects from Iraq and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, it emerged today.

March 2, 2010

RT: Poland admits to CIA planes landing on its territory

Official flight logs released Monday confirm Republic of Poland hosted aircraft linked to a CIA program for secretly moving and holding terrorism suspects. It adds to the allegations that the country could have hosted a CIA prison.