

April 12, 2010

Presentation “Instructions on human rights’ observation by law enforcement bodies”

12th of April at 12:00 Ludmila Alexeeva (MHG/Human rights House I Moscow) and Valery Borschev (Social partnership Foundation/Human Rights House in Moscow) will participate in presentation organized for public inspectors, supervising close institution in Russia according to a new law on public control over closed establishments of Russia over the places of deprivation of liberty came into force in 2008 “Instructions on inspection of citizens’ rights observation by law enforcement bodies”. Law on public control over the places of deprivation of liberty came into force in 2008. It empowers NGOs to control the situation with human rights in prisons, colonies, pretrial detention centers, disciplinary military units, penal hospitals, etc.
The presentation also will be visited by members of Public Supervisory Committee, representatives of non-government organizations and law enforcement bodies.

April 12, 2010

HRH Zagreb Roundtable

Croatia must not be left without public media service!

April 11, 2010

Polisario Front calls on UN to supervise human rights in territories under its control

The Polisario Front’s Negotiator at the United Nations and Coordinator with The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), M’hamed Kheddad, said on 6 April 2010 in Brussels that the Sahrawi government had called the United Nations to supervise Human rights in the liberated territories and refugee camps.

April 10, 2010

Azerbaijan: Editor’s drug trial begins

Eynulla Fatullayev goes on trial on “trumped up” drugs charges while the European Court examines previous charges. A new trial into the case of imprisoned journalist Eynulla Fatullayev, an investigative journalist and staunch critic of Azerbaijani government was opened on 9 April 2010 in the Garadag District Court.

April 9, 2010

Child Human Rights Report 2010: Burma

Partners Relief & Development (Partners) and Free Burma Rangers (FBR) announce a first comprehensive report “Displaced Childhoods” documenting the experiences of internally displaced children against the backdrop of Burma’s obligations under domestic and international law. Report is based on data collected in Burma and on its borderlands for the last 14 years by Partners and FBR.

April 9, 2010

Выставка-форум «Армия и общество»

С 15 по 18 апреля 2010 года в Центральном выставочном зале «Манеж» состоится выставка-форум «Армия и общество». Организаторами выставки выступают Министерство обороны РФ и Фонд «Наука-XXI» при поддержке Правительства Москвы.
По замыслу организаторов, она станет заметным культурно-¬патриотическим проектом в рамках мероприятий Российского организационного комитета «Победа» по празднованию этой юбилейной даты.

Целью выставки является ознакомление широкой общественности с работой органов государственной власти, в том числе Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации по вопросам законотворческой деятельности и практических мер в области обороны и безопасности, с содержанием проводимых в Вооруженных Силах Российской Федерации преобразований, социально значимыми программами и мероприятиями, направленными на повышение авторитета Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации и других силовых структур в обществе.

Одна из приоритетных задач выставки – показ роли общественных организаций в укреплении связи между армией и обществом, объединение их усилий в решении задач патриотического воспитания молодёжи, обеспечения социальной защиты военнослужащих и членов их семей и, в целом, повышения авторитета Вооруженных Сил.
Отличительной особенностью выставки станет её широкая социальная направленность, возможность привлечения общественных структур к совместному обсуждению широкого комплекса социальных проблем военнослужащих и членов их семей с высшими органами государственной власти.

April 9, 2010

Exhibition Army and Society

On 15-18 April, 2010 Union of Soldiers’ Mothers Committee will participate in an exhibition Army and Society, organized by the Ministry of Defense and Science-XXI Foundation with the support of Moscow Government.

The main objective of the exhibition is introduction of state authorities’ activity in the sphere of defense and security, military reform, social programs to the public.

The Union of Soldiers’ Mothers committee will take part in a series of round tables devoted to military reform and ways of cooperation of non-government organizations and state bodies on issues regarding strengthening of army-society relations, patriotic upbringing of youth, rights protection of conscripts, soldiers and their families.

April 8, 2010

Amnesty International Norway to authorities in Kyrgyzstan: Refrain from unlawful use of force

Amnesty International Norway calls on those exercising authority in Kyrgyz Republic to respect and protect human rights while restoring public order after three days of violent unrest reportedly left scores dead and hundreds injured.

April 8, 2010

ARTICLE 19 Artist Alert – March 2010

Art, in any form, constitutes a key medium through which information and ideas are imparted and received. Artist Alert, launched by ARTICLE 19, highlights cases of artists around the world whose right to freedom of expression has been curtailed and abused, and seeks to more effectively promote and defend freedom to create.

April 8, 2010

Croatia: NGO activists ‘’uncorking’’ Zagreb

Activists of Association Right to the City and Green Action submitted to USKOK (Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime), criminal charges against Mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandic, charging him for abuse of office and authority, and for concluding the contract with Hoto group for the project in Varsavska street, which is harmful for the city of Zagreb. A submission was accompanied by a protest of almost 200 activists and citizens in front of USKOK building in Gajeva street, Zagreb.

April 8, 2010

Forum of NGOs in BiH

Let’s build a common civil society

April 7, 2010

2 Tibetan students arrested in China

China has arrested two Tibetan students of Northwest National Minorities’ University in Lanzhou on 6 April 2010. Tashi Rabten (pen name – Te’urang) and Druklo (pen name –Shokjang) were arrested after around 16 officials from the local Public Security Bureau arrived in the university hostel and ransacked students’ rooms.