

April 15, 2010

Independent newspaper offices picketed in Belarus

On 14 April a small group of people with banners and posters gathered near the offices of independent newspaper Narodnaja Vola. Amongst them were World War II veterans and activists of the pro-government youth organisation BRSM. They were united near paper’s offices by the war, which, in their opinion, was falsely covered by the publication.

April 14, 2010

Моладзь і ветэраны пікетуюць рэдакцыю незалежнай газеты

14 красавіка каля рэдакцыі незалежнай газеты “Народная Воля” сабралася невялікая група людзей з плакатамі і транспарантамі ў руках. Сярод пікетоўцаў былі ветэраны Вялікай Айчыннай выйны, а таксама актывісты праўладнай моладзевай арганізацыі БРСМ. Пад вокнамі рэдакцыі выдання іх аб’яднала тэма вайны, якая, на іх погляд, асвятляецца ў газеце непраўдзіва.

April 14, 2010

Norwegian Helsinki Committee launches small grants program for Central Asia

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee announced on 13 April 2010 about the launch of the small grants program for Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan. Under the program, applications for grant support can be submitted by all legally registered organizations with project proposals to promote human rights and democracy in three Central Asian countries.

April 14, 2010

SOM Group presented in HRH Zagreb

SOM group, together with its goals and future activities, was presented yesterday in the premises of the Human Rights House of Zagreb in the Republic of Croatia. It represents a group of individuals that advocate for free and responsible media in the Republic of Croatia.

April 14, 2010

Cases of Andrei Zhuk and Vasily Yuzepchuk examined by the United Nations Human Rights Committee

54 organisations have signed a statement in which they call upon President Mr. Alexander Lukashenko and the government of the Republic of Belarus, to consider the rule of law as the principle under which penal justice is executed — and to therefore fully implement the recommendations of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

April 14, 2010

Burma elections 2010: opportunities and challenges

2010 will mark the first election in Burma for two decades. Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy, won those held in 1990 by a land slide. The result was never recognised by the Burmese regime and Aung San Suu Kyi has been more or less detained ever since.

April 14, 2010

In Burma’s jungle, seminar

Meeting with the guerrilla leader Nerdah Mya and writer Pascal Khoo Thwe.

Price: 80 kr.

April 13, 2010

Turkey: Publisher and writer face imprisonment

Publisher Ragip Zarakolu and author Mehmet Güler, on trial in the Republic of Turkey since May 2009, face prison sentences of up to seven and half years for Güler’s novel “More Difficult Decisions than Death”. Both are accused under article 7/2 of the Anti Terror Law of “spreading propaganda” for the banned Kurdish Workers Party (PKK).

April 12, 2010

Amnesty International Norway calls not to rely on promises from the torturers

European countries must reject once and for all the dangerous practice of relying on “no torture” promises from governments with proven records of torture, Amnesty International said in a new report released on 12 March 2010.

April 12, 2010

MWRC held a training for NGOs on free legal aid

Macedonian Women’s Rights Centre – Shelter Centre (MWRC) in cooperation with UNIFEM office in Skopje, held a training last week for 28 representatives of NGOs, presenting the concept and methodology of providing free legal aid to the women victims of domestic violence by the NGO sector in FYR Macedonia.

April 12, 2010

Regional Campaign ”I’m a Roma Woman” presented in HRH Sarajevo

On the occasion of the World Roma Day, April 8th, regional campaign and campaign video “I’m a Roma Woman” were presented in the House of Human Rights of Sarajevo last Thursday.

April 12, 2010

Презентация «Наставления по проверке соблюдения прав граждан органами внутренних дел»

12 апреля 2010 года в 15:00 в Независимом пресс-центре состоится презентация «Наставления по проверке соблюдения прав граждан органами внутренних дел» (Пособие для общественных инспекторов).
В презентации принимают участие:
Алексеева Людмила Михайловна, председатель Московской Хельсинкской группы (РИЦПЧ);
Бабушкин Андрей Владимирович, председатель Комитета за гражданские права, автор пособия;
Борщев Валерий Васильевич, председатель Общественной наблюдательной комиссии г. Москвы (РИЦПЧ);
Габисов Валерий Георгиевич, президент Ассоциации гуманизации правоприменительных органов;
Маяков Андрей Владимирович, заместитель председателя Комитета за гражданские права;
представители МВД РФ