

July 19, 2010

China razes Uyghur homes

Demolitions and tighter security spark fears of a new backlash in Xinjiang. A year after deadly ethnic violence rocked the city of Urumqi, authorities in China’s troubled northwestern region of Xinjiang have begun demolishing a part of the city that traditionally housed hundreds of thousands of ethnic Uyghurs, Radio Free Asia reported.

July 19, 2010

Freedom of expression under increasing pressure in Ethiopia

On May 23rd, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) won the presidential election in a landslide victory. Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has been in power since 1991. This government has yet to demonstrate effectively its commitment to democracy, and civil and political rights, especially the right to freedom of expression. On the contrary, as this article demonstrates, Ethiopia’s human rights record is decreasing at an alarming rate.

July 18, 2010

Belarusian authorities do not joke

On July 15th a symbolic pillow battle took place in Minsk. It’s some kind of comic action timed to 600th anniversary of Battle of Grunwald, a significant event in Belarusian history. The action was organized in a flash-mob manner and has not any politician context. But this was not enough to separate its participants from power dispersion. Mass arrests and dispersals were done in the center of Belarusian capital.

July 18, 2010

Prosecution of environmentalists: China rocking its own boat

“What makes the imprisonment, torture and the punishment of 15 years for Karma Samdrup stand out of a tendency, is <...> that he was not a human rights activist in the classic sense,” – stated Norwegian Tibet Committee. Samdrup and his brothers were trying to protect Tibetan rivers providing water to more than 300 million people in the People´s Republic of China.

July 18, 2010

Russia: Chechen human rights advocate remembered

On 15 July 2009, Natalia Estemirova, a representative of the Memorial Human Rights Centre in Grozny, was abducted and murdered. On the anniversary of her death ARTICLE 19 and other human rights organizations commemorated her work and reiterated calls for bringing perpetrators to justice. But despite the Kremlin’s pledge to punish her killers, there has been no prosecution so far.

July 16, 2010

Беларускім уладам не да жартаў

15 ліпеня ў Мінску адбылася сімвалічная бойка падушкамі – паўжартоўная акцыя, прымеркаваная да 600-годдзя Грунвальдскай бітвы. Але ж нават тое, што акцыя ўяўляла сабой флэш-моб, не мела палітычнага падтэксту, не ўратавала яе ад сілавога разгону. Вынікам жартаў у цэнтры беларускай сталіцы сталіся жорсткія разгоны і масавыя затрыманні моладзі.

July 16, 2010

Год без Наташи Эстемировой

15 июля 2010 года исполнился год со дня убийства правозащитника, сотрудника Грозненского преставительства Правозащитного Центра “Мемориал” Натальи Эстемировой. В Москве и в Екатеринбурге коллеги провели пикеты и вечера в память о Наташе.

July 16, 2010

Concerns with deterioration of freedom of expression and opinion in Russia

Tagansky district court of Moscow found the organizers of the exhibition in Sakharov Museum “Forbidden Art 2006”, former museum director Yury Samodurov and former director of the Department of High Technologies of Tretiakov Gallery Andrey Erofeev guilty of inciting religious hatred and enmity. Samodurov has been sentenced to pay a fine of 200’000 rubles and Erofeev has been sentenced to a fine of 150’000 rubles.

July 16, 2010

Право на свободу мнений и выражений в опасности

Таганский суд Москвы признал виновными организаторов выставки в Центре имени Сахарова “Запретное искусство – 2006” – экс-директора музея и общественного центра им. А.Д. Сахарова Юрия Самодурова и бывшего заведующего отделом новейших течений Третьяковской галереи Андрея Ерофеева – в возбуждении ненависти и вражды по религиозным признакам. Самодуров и Ерофеев приговорены к штрафам в 200 тыс. и 150 тыс. рублей соответственно.

July 15, 2010

“God father” of Belarusian censorship

The main part of non-governmental weekly’s “Nasha Niva” circulation didn’t reach the news stalls in the Republic of Belarus last week. The issue has only reached the subscribers and a few newsstands in the main cities of the country. It was reported about Russian NTV channel’s “God Father” newsreel in this issue of “NN”. In this documentary Belarusian leader is shown in a negative way. So disappearance of the issue of “NN” is nothing short of sad sign of Belarusian censorship.

July 15, 2010

Bosnia-Herzegovina to be reviewed on racial discrimination

At its 77th session, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) will review Bosnia-Herzegovina.
NGOs can submit information, too, and participate in a joint briefing of the members of CERD in Geneva.

July 15, 2010

Presentation of CMS publication

on peace-building experience in ex-Yu countries