

July 28, 2010

Палітвязень Алег Сурган на волі

Раніцай 27 ліпеня з калоніі горада Глыбокае быў вызвалены палітвязень Алег Сурган. Яго сустракалі сябры і паплечнікі. Ахоўнікі правялі Алега Сургана пад канвоем да самай машыны тых, хто сустракаў, каб працэс сустрэчы прайшоў хутка і без лішняга шуму, паведамляе “Радыё Свабода”.

July 27, 2010

Demanding a Place for Criticism and Dissent in Public Media

On July 6, 2010, a journalist for Program 3 of Polish Radio was reprimanded by his employer for authoring an article in Newsweek criticizing Polish Radio. Polish Radio subsequently refused to release documents explaining the basis for the reprimandbecause of “trade secrets.” In response, Helsinki Foundation has written an open letter denouncing Polish Radio’s employment policies.

July 27, 2010

Trivialisation of Strasbourg

The European Court’s of Human Rights judgements concerning violation of the right to a fair trial or the right to liberty of a person have not been so far the subject of profound deliberations of the authorities. As a result, judges who are the “authors” of these violations are kept in blissful ignorance of the fact that someone in the Court gave a negative opinion about their work.

July 27, 2010

India – widespread practice of untouchability

In the beginning of 2010 India marked the 60th anniversary of its constitution that sets the legal framework for protection of human rights and forbids discrimination. However, 60 years later, caste discrimination still prevails, particularly with regard to Dalits, the so called “untouchables”.

July 27, 2010

Police enjoys impunity as Belarus is celebrating 20 years of independence

On 27 July, Republic of Belarus marks the 20th anniversary of independence. As democratic forces are trying to celebrate the liberation from the totalitarian Soviet system, the authorities are enjoying impunity in their Soviet-style crackdown on opposition. Opposition activists face detentions and brutal assault, but no policeman is prosecuted for mistreatment.

July 27, 2010

У 20-годдзе незалежнасці – беспакаранасць міліцыянтаў

27 ліпеня Беларусь адзначае 20-годдзе абвяшчэння незалежнасці ад Савецкага Саюза. Аднак у той час, як дэмакратычныя актывісты спрабуюць святкаваць гадавіну вызвалення з таталітарнай савецкай сістэмы, прадстаўнікі ўлады святкуюць хіба што ўласную беспакаранасць. З апазіцыянерамі ж распраўляюцца паводле старых савецкіх звычак – затрыманнямі і збіццямі.

July 24, 2010

China sentences Uyghur journalist and website editor to 15 years in prison

A Chinese court in the western region of Xinjiang has given a Uyghur journalist and website manager 15 years in jail for “endangering state security” by speaking to foreign journalists, his employer said on 23 July., where Gheyret Niyaz worked as an administrator, posted a notice saying he had been sentenced at a hearing, quoting his wife who was in the court.

July 24, 2010

Rebiya Kadeer condemns terrorism

Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress and the Rafto Prize laureate, says she “felt terrible” after hearing that an Uyghur had been arrested on terrorism charges in Norway. Therefore, she asks the international community to refrain from using the possible terrorist activity of this single man to ascertain the aspirations of the broader Uyghur population and their peaceful struggle for freedom.

July 23, 2010

Singapore arrests British writer for defamation

British author Alan Shadrake was arrested in Singapore on 18 July for writing a book critical of the city state’s use of the death sentence. He was released on a bail on 20 July. If found guilty of criminal defamation, Shadrake could face up to two years in prison and a large fine.

July 22, 2010

BiH fails to fully implement its international obligations

Although the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina has committed itself on numerous international documents regarding the respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, on the last UPR session in June this year, on the adoption of the UPR report for BiH, out of 125 recommendations made by UN body, BiH accepted only 26 of them.

July 19, 2010

Professional legal aid system necessary for Polish soldiers

Republic of Poland is actively involved in many foreign military missions, which raise the possibility of occurrence of situations where soldiers might be involved in various civil and criminal cases connected to the missions. Republic of Poland, however, has not set up a professional legal aid system for soldiers. Therefore, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights on 13 May 2010 organized a press conference revolving around this issue.

July 19, 2010

Responsibility and Presumption in Chechen Asylum Applications

Chechen emigrants continue to leave the Chechen Republic and the Russian Federation, hoping to find protection and better conditions in other European countries and Republic of Poland is the one which receives the majority of those migrants. Moreover, as the “gateway” country that many Chechens pass through when leaving Europe, Republic of Poland has become the European state that is legally and de-facto responsible for many Chechen emigrants.