

July 10, 2010

ARTICLE 19 Artist Alert – June 2010

Freedom of expression is not less important than freedom of “expression” as artist understand it. In June 2010 some movies and cartoons faced state’s censorship in Japan, Jordan and Malaysia. In Germany Jewish street dancers were attacked and in Islamic Republic of Pakistan music market was bombes for selling western video and music products. Find out more highlighted cases of artists around the world whose right to freedom of expression has been curtailed and abused.

July 9, 2010

Azerbaijan continues to ignore its international obligations

The Azerbaijani authorities ignore pressure from the international community. Most recently, few days after the visit to Republic of Azerbaijan of United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the editor Eynulla Fatullaeyv has been sentenced to 2,5 years imprisonment despite appeals from the United Nations and the Council of Europe.

July 8, 2010

New Doctors Without Borders president elected

Doctor Unni Krishnan Karunakara has been chosen to lead the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) over the next three years. He was elected on June 29 in Geneva. He takes over from Dr. Christophe Fournier. According to new president, MSF will remain relevant for the survival of large numbers of people, if the it manages to constantly adapt to new realities.

July 7, 2010

Stop prosecution of Russian exhibition organizers

Yurii Samodurov and Andrei Yerofeev are charged with “inciting hatred or enmity” and “denigration of human dignity” for organizing a contemporary art exhibition at the Sakharov Museum in Moscow in 2007 and are facing three years’ imprisonment.

July 7, 2010

Dear guests! Please don’t comment our texts!

Such calls may soon appear on Belarusians websites. There was a criminal case initiated after a libel comment on the local website in Vileika town, near Maladzechna (Belarus). Users who had left their comments to the news on the site are prosecuted for aspersion and insulting. Corresponding authorities are now trying to identify these people. This is the second attempt of the authorities to punish for incorrect comments in the web during recent time.

July 7, 2010

Court slams Eynulla Fatullayev with another prison sentence

New York, July 6, 2010 “The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns today’s decision by Azerbaijan’s Garadagh District Court in Baku to sentence imprisoned independent editor Eynulla Fatullayev to two and a half years in a strict-regime prison after finding him guilty of drug possession.

July 7, 2010

Side event at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly meeting in Oslo

The NGO coalition of Freedom House, Global Witness, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Eurasian Democracy Initiative is organising a lunch time event in the vicinity of the OSCE PA meeting in Oslo this Thursday.

July 6, 2010

Iran: imminent execution of political prisoner feared

After the recent execution of four Kurdish political prisoners on charges of moharabeh’ (enmity against God), human rights organisation Article 19 is very concerned that the execution of Zeinab Jalalian and 15 other Kurdish political prisoners convicted of the same charge is imminent.

July 6, 2010

Freedom of expression: a right (still) at risk

Kidnapping of journalists is a continuing practice and killing of journalists increased by 26 percent in 2009, outlined Frank La Rue, United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression. He added that any violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression precipitates a domino effect, impacting upon a multitude of other rights and obligations.

July 6, 2010

Требуются волонтеры для помощи в организации и проведении международных встреч и конференций

When: Tuesday, 6. July 2010 To: Sunday, 15. August 2010 Where: Вильнюс, Latako 3 Host: Белорусский дом прав человека Contact: Анна Герасимова (

July 5, 2010

Паважаныя наведвальнікі! Не пакідайце каментароў да нашых матэрыялаў!

Такія заклікі хутка могуць з’явіцца на ўсіх беларускіх сайтах. Крымінальная справа па факце паклёпу ў каментарах на мясцовым сайце заведзеная ў мястэчку Вілейка. Карыстальнікі сайту, пакінуўшыя каментары да навін, абвінавачваюцца ў паклепе і абразе, і зараз адпаведнымі ворганамі прадпрымаюцца спробы іх ідэнтыфікацыі. Цягам апошняга часу гэта ўжо другая спроба сілавых ворганаў пакараць за “некарэктныя” каментары ў сеціве.

July 5, 2010

Meeting regarding CAT

HRH Sarajevo meets TRIAL