

August 6, 2010

Writer Yu Jie ignores threats of prison to publish a book about Chinese Premier

Dissident Yu Jie is ignoring threats of prison to publish a book describing Premier Wen Jiabao as “China’s best actor”. The 36-year-old Chinese dissident and writer is about to risk his freedom by publishing an explosive new title outing China’s cuddly premier, Wen Jiabao, as an authoritarian hard-liner behind the scenes.

August 6, 2010

Глава президентского Совета по правам человека Элла Памфилова подала заявление об отставке

Элла Памфилова комментировать свое решение отказывается. Российские правозащитники надеются, что ее отставка не будет принята.

August 6, 2010

The head of the Presidential Council on Human Rights, Ella Pamfilova had tendered resignation

Ella Pamfilova has refused to comment her decision to leave the post of the head of the Presidential Council on Human Rights. Human rights defenders hope her resignation will not be accepted.

August 5, 2010

Rafto laureate calls on UN and EU to supervise the human rights situation in Western Sahara

Sidi Mohammed Daddach, a Sahrawi political activist, former political prisoner and the 2002 Rafto Prize laureate, calls on UN and EU to supervise the human rights situation in Western Sahara. He also calls on the embassies of European countries to visit Western Sahara to see the real situation for Sahrawis, who are oppressed by the Moroccan regime.

August 5, 2010

Iran: harassment of prominent lawyer and his family

According to the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) the Iranian human rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei is in the Republic of Turkey. According to some reports Mohammad Mostafaei might be applying for asylum. Unable to arrest Mohammad Mostafaei, Iranian officials detained his wife, brother-in-law, who remain in detention without charges.

August 5, 2010

Staff reporter of DOSH magazine Malika Betieva died in a car accident.

Staff reporter of DOSH magazine Malika Betieva came to a tragic end along with her family members in the Chechen Republic as a result of a road traffic accident on a track Grozny-Shatoy.

August 4, 2010

Memorial plaque in honor of Belarusian poetess will be “judged“?

The plaque’s open ceremony in honor of Larisa Geniush, the famous Belarusian poetess, did not take place in Vaukavysk, Republic of Belarus. The plaque disappeared from the wall of private house. Local historian Mikalai Kavalchuk has hung up the plaque. He was arrested and was released from the police station only in three hours.

August 4, 2010

Шыльду Ларысе Геніюш у Ваўкавыску будуць “судзіць”?

У Ваўкавыску не адбылося адкрыцця памятнай шыльды, прысвечанай вядомай беларускай паэтцы Ларысе Геніюш. Шыльда знікла са сцяны прыватнага дому на вуліцы Перамогі, 40. Мясцовы краязнаўца Мікалай Кавальчук, які павесіў шыльду, быў затрыманы. Яго выпусцілі з пастарунку толькі праз тры гадзіны.

August 3, 2010

Police is afraid of the T-shirt inscription

Uladzimir Niapomniaschykh, democratic activist, was arrested in Homel, Republic of Belarus. Police didn’t like an inscription on his T-shirt “For Republic of Belarus without Lukashenka”. Authorities for propaganda in the country usually use a similar slogan (“For Belarus”).

August 3, 2010

South Ossetia: activist brutally assaulted

Timur Tskhovrebov, a civil rights activist in South Ossetia was attacked on July 24, 2010, allegedly by supporters of the de facto president of the breakaway region of Georgia, after he signed a joint appeal to negotiators in Geneva to prioritise the needs of the local population. Tskhovrebov was hospitalized with multiple injuries.

August 2, 2010

Chinese court rejects appeal from Tibetan environmentalist

A court in northwest the People´s Republic of China has rejected an appeal from a Tibetan environmentalist Karma Samdrup who was sentenced to 15 years in prison on charges of grave robbing and dealing in looted antiquities, his lawyer said on 2 August 2010.

August 2, 2010

Allow the Accused to Defend Themselves

According to the Law on National Remembrance, individuals found to have collaborated with Polish communist security services prior to 1990 are denied access to the documents evidencing such collaboration. The European Court of Human Rights recently communicated to Republic of Poland two cases regarding this law, raising the issue of whether the law denies individuals accused of wrongdoing a meaningful opportunity to contest or even see the basis for such charges.