

August 15, 2010

EU should endorse international war crimes inquiry in Burma

European Union member states should publicly support the establishment of an international Commission of Inquiry into war crimes and crimes against humanity in Burma ahead of the United Nations General Assembly in September, Human Rights Watch said in a letter to EU foreign ministers on 11 August 2010.

August 15, 2010

“Article 19” submits report to UN as election date in Burma announced as 7 November

The Burmese military government announced on 13 August 2010 that general elections are to be held on 7 November of this year, just days before Aung San Suu Kyi’s current terms of house arrest comes to an end. In a report to the UN Human Rights Council human rights organisation Article 19 outlines concerns around the elections, and other gross violations of the right to freedom of expression in the country.

August 15, 2010

Meet Iranian lawyer who saved 14 women

The Iranian defense lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei has saved 14 condemned women and children in Iran. Now his fight for children and women’s rights put him in danger. Meet him at the Amnesty International in Oslo, Monday 16 August at 17.00.

August 12, 2010

China: blind advocate remains imprisoned for work against abortions

Chen Guangcheng is a courageous blind legal advocate famous for exposing the brutal practices of forced abortion and sterilization of Chinese women. He is in detention since 2006. Chen Guangcheng is gravely ill and being denied medical treatment. His wife has visited him only once since August 2006. Amnesty International Norway urges to take action and requires releasing him.

August 11, 2010

Transparency organisations have made seven recommendations for the UN MDG Outcome Document

In a letter addressed to the two Ambassadors responsible for coordinating the UN High Level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), seven international transparency organisations are calling for a stronger commitment to, and effective implementation of, transparency and the free flow of information in the fight against poverty.

August 10, 2010

Footage of Tibetan nomad’s protest in Tibet on 3rd anniversary of his arrest

Footage of Runggye Adak, a Tibetan nomad now serving an eight-year prison sentence for peacefully denouncing Chinese policies in Tibet and calling for the return of the Dalai Lama, was released on 1 August 2010 as Tibetans and their supporters intensify the global campaign for his release. Four Tibetan activists were imprisoned on 30 July for pasting leaflets containing demands for Tibetan freedom and return of the Dalai Lama.

August 10, 2010

Belarusian Association of Journalists helped independent daily to win a trial

On 5 August, Leninski District Court of Minsk rejected a claim against Belarusian independent newspaper Narodnaya Volia. The high-profile case was initiated by a pensioner who tried to “defend honor and dignity” of all the World War II veterans, allegedly offended by the daily. Narodnaya Volia was assisted by the Belarusian Association of Journalists.

August 10, 2010

«Народная воля» выйграла два суды за 1 тыдзень

Cуд Ленінскага раёна г. Мінска адхіліў зыск пенсіянера да рэдакцыі «Народнай волі». Патрабаванне Аляксандра Пестракова абараніць «зняважаныя газетай» гонар і годнасць ветэранаў суддзя Т. Дарашчонак пакінула без разгляду, бо зыскоўца на гэта ніхто не ўпаўнаважваў. Непадведамасным суду прызналі яго патрабаванне абавязаць газету прыпісваць пад загалоўкам, што выданне з’яўляецца недзяржаўным і апазіцыйным.

August 9, 2010

Tribunal of State for left-wing politicians for the secret CIA prisons?

Polish Prosecutor Office is considering the war crime charge for the highest rank government officials for the existence of CIA prisons in the Republic of Poland. The investigation on this issue lasts since 2008 and is classified. However, Polish daily newspaper “Gazeta Wyborcza” has found out that the prosecutor now wants to charge the officials for participation in war crimes in front of the Tribunal of State.

August 9, 2010

What we know today about the CIA prisons in Poland – interview with Adam Bodnar

Polish daily newspaper „Gazeta Wyborcza” published an interview with Adam Bodnar, the Head of Legal Division of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights in Warsaw, Republic of Poland. It concerned the latest news on the alleged existence of secret CIA prisons in the Republic of Poland. The Boarder Guard disclosed information that not only did CIA planes landed in the Republic of Poland, but also transported passangers, possibly terrorism suspects.

August 8, 2010

Burma opposition party chief quits

The chairman of the Union Democratic Party (UDP) in Burma has quit his post in protest at lack of reform of pre-election conditions. Despite that the party is not going to withdraw from the upcoming elections. Experts criticize the election process very much and say it is clearly designed to guarantee a pre-determined outcome.

August 8, 2010

The wait never ends – internally displaced people in Georgia

A quarter of a million people are displaced from their homes in Georgia. They will probably never be able to return. For many, life situation is characterized by poor living conditions, war trauma, health problems and a desperate shortage of labor. New Amnesty’s International report “In the waiting room: Internally displaced people in Georgia” documents how thousands of displaced people struggle to access basic services.