

September 8, 2010

Associated Press: Former FBI man implicated in CIA abuse

WASHINGTON – A former CIA officer accused of revving an electric drill near the head of an imprisoned terror suspect has returned to U.S. intelligence as a contractor, training CIA operatives after leaving the agency, The Associated Press has learned.

September 7, 2010

Ten international NGOs goes to Azerbaijan on freedom of expression mission

The “International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan” launched a three-day freedom of expression mission to Republic of Azerbaijan on 7 September, during which ten international nongovernmental organisations will highlight their serious concerns regarding the freedom of expression situation in the country, which has been unfolding with little attention from the international media spotlight.

September 7, 2010

HFHR expert at the meeting concerning the “Strategic Litigation in the South Caucasus” project

In the days of 29-31 August 2010 the Netherlands Helsinki Committee organized a Second Regional Meeting of three rights organization from Republic of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Republic of Armenia. The meeting was dedicated to the evaluation of the “Strategic Litigation in the South Caucasus” project.

September 7, 2010

17th X-Press Session

Female and male artists in traditional society

September 6, 2010

UN concluding observations on the racial discrimination in BiH

According to the Concluding Observations by the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – CERD on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Roma people remain the most vulnerable group in BiH, while issues such as discriminatory provisions of the Constitution of BiH, return of refugees and displaced persons, ethnic tensions and hate speech must be resolved as well.

September 6, 2010

Croatian authorities continuously violate the freedom of assembly

Around 140 citizens of the city of Zagreb in the Republic of Croatia were recently arrested during a peaceful demonstration in Varsavska Street. Arrests and other police interventions have been happening continuously ever since the protests started. International and local civil society organizations have reacted to these violations of the right to freedom of assembly.

September 5, 2010

Tibetan delegates gathered in India for the first National meeting

In the Indian city Dharamshala his Holiness the Dalai Lama addressed on 30 August 2010 the delegates of the first National General Meeting, underlining the need for unity and a robust democratic administration in exile to keep alive the hopes and aspirations of Tibetans living inside Tibet.

September 5, 2010

Belarus: suspicious ‘suicide’ of human rights activist and Charter97 founder

Aleh Byabenin, right, one of Belarus’s leading journalists and human rights activists, and among the founders and leaders of website, has found dead in his summer cottage not far from Minsk. Contrary to suggestions that Byabenin must have committed suicide, no suicide note was found and no other possible indicators suggest the same.

September 5, 2010

Rebiya Kadeer – five years of freedom

Rebiya Kadeer, the most well-known spokesperson for China’s ethnic Uyghur minority and the 2004 Rafto Prize laureate, has used her five years of freedom since her release from the Chinese prison in 2005 to raise the issue of the repression Uyghurs face and their struggle for human rights. She was recently banned from entering Taiwan for three years.

September 3, 2010

Lawyers got homework

In the modern world young age is no longer a prerequisite for learning; it is a life-long process. Belarusian lawyers, participants of the International Law in Advocacy project, understand it more than anyone else. From 28 to 30 Augusts they gathered for their second study session in Vilnius.

September 3, 2010

Мова навучання: без права на выбар

Пачатак новага навучальнага года ў беларускіх школах і ВНУ адзначыўся і новымі праблемамі. Аказалася, што беларускамоўнае навучанне, што нібыта гарантавана законам, для большасці беларусаў застаецца недасяжным. На гэтым тыдні адразу ў некалькіх мястэчках людзі праводзілі лакальныя акцыі пратэсту, каб дамагчыся “роўнасці дзвюх дзяржаўных моваў” у сферы адукацыі.

September 2, 2010

The Polish Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights partners with leading publisher

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, a civil society organization based in Warsaw, Republic of Poland and Wolters Kluwer Polska, the biggest publishing house in the field of law in the Republic of Poland, have signed a contract to cooperate in areas such as publishing, marketing and training.