

September 13, 2010

China: authorities curtail travel for ethnic minorities in Xinjiang region

Chinese authorities in the northwestern region of Xinjiang have imposed travel restrictions on the region’s ethnic minorities since the regional capital Urumqi was rocked by deadly ethnic rioting last year, local residents and travel industry sources said.

September 12, 2010

Insulting the Polish President – is it in conformity with the Constitution?

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights presented an amicus curiae legal brief in a case concerning the conformity of article 135 § 2 of penal code (ref. no. P 12/09) to the Polish Constitutional Tribunal. This regulation provides that insulting the President of the Republic of Poland in public is punishable by up to 3 years in prison.

September 12, 2010

Monitoring of Legislative Proceedings in the Field of Judicature – new Program of the HFHR

On 1 July 2010 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights launched a two-year Program “Monitoring of Legislative Proceedings in the Field of Judicature”. The aim of the Program is to improve standards of law-making in the field of judicature (especially concerning human rights), but also create mechanisms allowing civil society organisations or other subjects to involve more effectively in the law-making process.

September 12, 2010

Russia: human rights defender sentenced for the second time

For the second time in two weeks, a justice of the peace for Tverskoi District Court of Moscow sentenced Lev Ponomarev, a leading Russian human rights defender, to four days of administrative detention for his involvement in a peaceful assembly. On 7 September 2010 the court found Ponomarev guilty of “disobeying police orders.”

September 12, 2010

Azerbaijan: freedom of expression situation has deteriorated over the past five years

A new report launched by the human rights organisation Article19 concludes that the freedom of expression situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan has deteriorated over the past five years and should be considered among the most pressing human rights concerns in the country.

September 12, 2010

Burma: media denied freedom and access before elections

With just two months to go to the general elections that the military government plans to hold on 7 November, there are still no grounds for thinking that the Burmese and foreign media will be able to cover the campaign and polling freely. Prior censorship remains in effect and that rules out any possibility of a democratic election. Without press freedom, the election will just be a sham.

September 12, 2010

Human Rights: Between Law and Moral, reception and international conference

Lawyers, students, journalists, Human Rights House partners etc. are welcome to visit the introductory reception to the international conference “Human Rights: Between Law and Moral” on 17 September (5-7pm). The conference for experts and lawyers from Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Georgia and the Russian Federation is due to take place on 18-20 September 2010 as a part of a project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers“.

September 12, 2010

Human Rights Defenders Conference on Belarus and Baltic States

On 24 September 2010, the Human Rights House Network (HRHN) hosts an open Human Rights Conference in Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania, to draw attention to the situation of human rights defenders and human rights trends identified in the Republic of Belarus and the Baltic states.

September 12, 2010

“Права человека: между правом и моралью”: прием и международная конференция

Приглашаем заинтересованных лиц (адвокатов, юристов, студентов, журналистов, партнеров Дома прав человека) посетить прием-презентацию международной конференции «Права человека: между правом и моралью» 17 сентября (17.00-19.00) в рамках проекта “Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека”. Сама конференция с участием экспертов из разных стран, адвокатов и юристов из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии и России состоится 18-20 сентября 2010 г.

September 11, 2010

Three Sahrawi activists held without trial since 2009

Ali Salem Tamek, Brahim Dahane (right), and Ahmed Naciri (below) are well-known Sahrawi activists held since October 8, 2009, on charges of “harming state security,” without trial. They were among seven activists arrested upon their return from visiting Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria. Their case was referred from civil to military court because of “undermining external state security.” They are held in the prison without trial.

September 9, 2010

Смерць апазіцыйнага журналіста: больш пытанняў, чым адказаў

Смерць апазіцыйнага журналіста, заснавальнік сайта Хартыя’97 Алега Бябеніна да гэтай пары застаецца незразумелай тайнай. У той час як афіцыйныя крыніцы, што “пакуль што пра крымінальную версію смерці Бябеніна гаварыць не выпадае”, сваякі і сябры журналіста не вераць у тое, што Бябенін быў здольны на самагубства. Каб развеяць усе сумневыі паставіць кропкі над “і” да расследвання далучаюцца міжнародныя структуры.

September 8, 2010

Lawyers from Azerbaijan with a study visit to the European Court of Human Rights

Between 14 and 16 September 2010, as part of the “Strategic Litigation in the South Caucasus” project supported by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, a group of twenty four lawyers from Republic of Azerbaijan visited the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights. One of the participants is an intern at Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.