

October 18, 2010

Каму перад выбарамі друкавацца добра

Перадвыбарная гістэрыя беларускіх уладаў становіцца ўсё больш і больш відавочнай, бо пачалася чарговая хваля ціску на беларускія незалежныя СМІ. Незалежныя выданні зноў трапляюць у суды, ім выносяцца грашовыя штрафы і папярэджанні. Так днямі здарылася з незалежнай газетай “Витебский курьер”. З іншага ж боку, дзяржаўныя СМІ спрабуюць стаць больш уплывовымі, павялічваюцца наклады газет і перыядычных выданняў. Зноў “двайныя стандарты”?

October 17, 2010

Belgrade Pride 2010 – a call for tolerance

Belgrade Pride 2010 began on 10 October in beautiful weather with a call for tolerance. The violence that erupted outside the venue of the march proved that tolerance is yet to be achieved. The Pride organized almost ten years after the last same event in Belgrade. It brings hope and can become a turning point for future dialogue in Serbia.

October 17, 2010

Exiled Turkmen human rights activist under threat

The exiled Turkmen human rights defender Farid Tuhbatullin has received reliable information that an order to remove him quietly has been issued in his home country, Turkmenistan. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee takes this threat seriously and urges in a letter to Austrian authorities that they ensure the safety of Tuhbatullin and his family.

October 14, 2010

Lawyers from Azerbaijan with a study visit to the European Court of Human Rights

Between 14 and 16 September 2010, as part of the “Strategic Litigation in the South Caucasus” project supported by the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, a group of twenty four lawyers from Republic of Azerbaijan visited the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights. Among participants of the study visit was an Republic of Azerbaijan lawyer being at time an intern of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

October 14, 2010

China: the art of web censorship

As Communist Party elders call for free speech in the People´s Republic of China, the government’s strict control of online content is supported by a finely tuned infrastructure of laws and censors. ‘Filter words’, ‘undesirable information’, self-censorship, state propaganda and a system of licenses is a daily norm for Chinese news websites.

October 14, 2010

Law on prohibition of discrimination discriminates sexual minorities in BiH

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is currently undergoing the process of integration into the European Union (EU). All member states of the EU, as well potential member states, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, are obliged to harmonize their national legislation fully with the EU law, which is particularly related to EU directives. However, the law on prohibition of discrimination in BIH is not responding to these standards.

October 14, 2010

The 2010 Election in Burma/Myanmar in Historical Perspective

Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and Norwegian Burma Committee have the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar with Mary Callahan: The 2010 Election in Burma/Myanmar in Historical Perspective.

October 14, 2010

19th X-Press Session

Education in rural environments

October 13, 2010

Oslo: the Natalia Estemirova Documentation Centre established

During a conference on Strengthening Human Rights in the Russian Federation organized by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee in cooperation with Amnesty International Norway in Oslo last month, a resolution on establishing the Natalia Estemirova Documentation Center was adopted by a group of nine leading Russian and international human rights organizations.

October 13, 2010

Constitutional reforms in Georgia

The constitution of Georgia has been amended twice since the Rose Revolution. In 2004, the amendment maximally satisfied the President’s ambitions and gave him near indefinite powers regarding legislative issues. In the second amendment, in 2010, more power is concentrated under the Prime Minister.

October 12, 2010

China seeks to block news of Liu’s Nobel, his wife cut off from the rest of the world

Chinese government attempts to block the news by blacking out domestic and foreign media coverage of the Norwegian Nobel Committee’s announcement awarding jailed human rights activist Liu Xiaobo the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. His wife, Liu Xia, as reports Amnesty Inernational, has been cut off from the rest of the world.

October 12, 2010

Seminars on the right to water and sanitation

Foodfirst Information and Action Network – FIAN – is co-hosting two seminars today, both as part of the annual Blue October campaign, bringing together some 20 Norwegian NGOs all concerned with the right to water and sanitation.