

October 28, 2010

Семинар “Как работать с гражданами с психическими расстройствами”

Семинар будет проводиться в рамках проекта «Предотвращение пыток и жестокого унижающего человеческое достоинство обращения в закрытых учреждениях России».

October 28, 2010

Seminar ‘How to Treat People with Mental Disorders’

Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia holds a seminar ‘How to treat people with mental disorders’ in cooperation with Perm Human Rights Center. The seminar is aimed at prevention of violation of rights of citizens with mental disorders, more effective protection of their rights, prevention of tortures, violent humiliating treatment of this category of citizens including rude treatment by staff of hospitals. The main target group is human rights defenders.

October 27, 2010

Associated Press: Terror suspect gets victim status in Polish probe

Polish officials investigating a now-shuttered secret CIA prison in this country have given a Saudi terror suspect victim status, a legal advance in the detainee’s effort to show he was mistreated by interrogators, officials said Wednesday. Legal experts said Poland’s move to grant the status of victim to Abn al-Rahim al-Nashiri recognizes the validity of his claims even as U.S. courts have refused to allow cases involving rendition to move forward for national security reasons.

October 27, 2010

Pre-election stage in Belarus: lack of equal opportunities

Collecting signatures for presidential hopefuls has been the main political event in the country for a month already. To be registered as a candidate one has to collect 100.000 signatures of Belarusian citizens. Incumbent Lukashenka was the first to reach the threshold. To do so his campaign office used nearly criminal practices of exploiting state employees, school teachers and medical staff.

October 27, 2010

International Conference: Media Ownership, Freedom of Speech and the Democratic Debate

We are very pleased to invite you to the international conference ‘Media Ownership, Freedom of Speech, and the Democratic Debate’ organized as a part of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights project called “Freedom of Media Observatory in Poland”.

October 26, 2010

International freedom of expression organisations call for Eynulla Fatullayev’s release

Eleven international freedom of expression organisations have submitted an open letter to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev calling for the immediate and unconditional release of imprisoned Editor-in-chief Eynulla Fatullayev. Fatullayev’s continued imprisonment constitutes a breach of Azerbaijan’s international legal commitments and a violation of Fatullayev’s rights.

October 26, 2010

Збор подпісаў за кандыдатаў: па накатаных рэйках

Збор подпісаў за кандыдатаў на пасаду прэзідэнта ідзе ў краіне амаль месяц. Паводле заканадаўства, кожны з кандыдатаў павінен сабраць не менш за 100000 подпісаў. Першым, хто зрабіў гэта, стаў дзейны прэзідэнт краіны А. Лукашэнка. Зрабіць гэта дапамагла антызаконная эксплуатацыя паднявольных дзяржслужбоўцаў, настаўнікаў ды ўрачоў.

October 25, 2010

The UN Human Rights Committee examined the answers of the Polish Government to the list of issues

On the 100th session of the UN Human Rights Committee held in Geneva on October 13-14 2010, the Human Rights Committee recognised the answers of the Polish Government to the list of issues prepared in connection with the VI Periodic Report on the realisation of the resolutions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

October 25, 2010

Committee against Torture: review of Ethiopia

At its 45th session, the United Nations Committee against Torture will review Ethiopia. The government submitted its initial report to the Committee. This will be the first review of Ethiopia at the Committee against Torture.

October 24, 2010

Burma: no foreign journalists or observers for elections

Ahead of Burma’s upcoming Parliamentary elections, election observers and foreign journalists will not be allowed into Burma for its first polls in two decades, officials say. The restriction is the latest in a series of moves that critics say guarantees Burma’s first elections in 20 years will favor the military government.

October 24, 2010

Azerbaijan: free expression under attack before elections

Ahead of Azerbaijan’s upcoming Parliamentary elections, nine organisations are launching a new report titled “Free Expression under Attack: Azerbaijan’s Deteriorating Media Environment”. The report findings come out of a joint freedom of expression mission to the country in September 2010 and highlight the Azerbaijani government’s failure to comply with its international commitments to promote and protect freedom of expression.

October 22, 2010

Joint open letter to President of Azerbaijan re Eynulla Fatullayev’s case

Eleven organisations have issued a joint open letter to President Aliyev expressing strong concern regarding the continued imprisonment of Editor-in-chief Eynulla Fatullayev, which constitutes a breach of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s international legal obligations and a violation of Mr Fatullayev’s rights.