

November 11, 2010

EC encouraged enhancing freedom of expression rights to internet users

Article 19 says that European Commission must enhance freedom of expression rights for internet users by ensuring that removal or ‘takedown’ of information is based on a court decision, not a private hosting company under financial threat.

November 11, 2010

В Улан-Удэ задержаны участники пикета

4 ноября в Улан-Удэ бурятские правозащитники провели пикет против ст. 282 УК, а также в защиту Надежды Низовкиной и Татьяны Стецуры (участники проекта Сети Домов Прав Человека «Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека»)- подсудимых по данной статье, сопредседателей бурятского отделения “Солидарность” и членов Демократического союза.

November 11, 2010

2nd March for Tolerance

International Day for Tolerance

November 9, 2010

European Day against the Death Penalty

Although Republic of Poland is free from the death penalty, the majority of Polish citizens want this penalty back. To change this situation and to help Abolitionists elsewhere, especially in the Republic of Belarus, the informal group “Horizon – against the Death Penalty” together with partners – the Information Office of the Council of Europe in the Republic of Poland, Amnesty International and others – organized the celebration of the European Day Against the Death Penalty (10th of October).

November 9, 2010

Russia: new attacks on journalists

Freedom of expression organisations condemn two attacks on journalists in the Moscow region and call on Russian authorities to ensure protection for journalists. Both victims, Oleg Kashin and Anatoly Adamchuk, have covered a contentious highway project that would go through a forest in the Moscow suburb of Khimki. Kashin worked on a number of other sensitive subjects as well.

November 8, 2010

Torture in Belarus: an inside view

A group of defenders from Belarusian HR organizations has prepared a report on international undertakings of Republic of Belarus under the UN Convention against Torture. This is the first alternative report on torture to be presented to the UN in December. It will be considered by the UN Committee against Torture in the spring of 2011.

November 8, 2010

Журнал «ДОШ» награжден международной премией «За свободу печати»

3 ноября 2010 в Турции во время Стамбульской книжной ярмарки Исрапилу Шовхалову, главному редактору первого кавказского независимого журнала «Дош» была вручена премия Международной ассоциации издателей (IPA) 2010 года «За свободу печати», которая присуждается за выдающуюся смелость в отстаивании свободы выражения мнений и свободы печати.

November 8, 2010

Parliamentary elections cannot be considered free and fair

Mobile election monitoring group in the Republic of Azerbaijan, consisting of members of the Human Rights House Network, regrets the fact that the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan cannot be considered free and fair because of the widespread irregularities and fraudulent practices.

November 7, 2010

Election in Azerbaijan: eight observers detained outside Baku

The HRHN delegation to support human rights defenders and organisations during the parliamentary election in the Republic of Azerbaijan reports about detentions of election observers, right, in Surakhani District outside Baku.

November 6, 2010

Rafto Prize laureate speeks about human rights crisis in Mexico

As Mexico celebrates the bicentennial of its independence and the centennial of its revolution, the reality is that we are seeing the most aggressive human rights violations against its population and against migrants who pass through its territory, said José Raúl Vera López, the 2010 Rafto Prize laureate, in his speech at the Rafto Symposium on 5 November.

November 6, 2010

Burma: elections without free expression

On 7 November, the first general election in nearly two decades will take place in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar). The media is restricted from reporting on opposition campaigns and people are denied the right to freedom of expression. Human rights organisations are gravely concerned that the upcoming elections will not be free, fair and inclusive and do not believe that it will be a meaningful step towards the promotion of human rights and democracy in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar).

November 5, 2010

Profound pessimism about Azerbaijan’s elections

In the build-up to the 7 November parliamentary elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the credibility of the electoral process has reached an all-time low. The usual obstacles – including voter intimidation, harassment of opposition, biased media, low turnout, vote buying, extensive use of administrative resources by the ruling party for campaigning purposes, police interference – are all expected to happen again.