

November 16, 2010

South Caucasus: authorities should fulfill international obligations to freedom of expression

Freedom of expression faces many challenges in the Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan and Gerogia. There is a clear state domination of the broadcast media, legal barriers persist, critical news sources removed, violence against journalists cases have been not effectively investigated and prosecuted. Finally, despite legal provisions, public bodies have failed to establish procedures to process freedom of information requests.

November 15, 2010

Amnesty International: European governments must provide justice for victims of CIA programs

Amnesty International has called on European governments to provide justice for the victims of the CIA’s unlawful rendition and secret detention programmes which led to the enforced disappearance, torture and ill-treatment of a number of people.

November 15, 2010

4th Winter School for Human Rights in Moscow

Forth Winter School for Human Rights, Moscow 22-30, January, 2011
In cooperation with Youth Human Rights Movement Moscow Helsinki Group will hold 4th Winter school for human rights within educational program International School for Human Rights and Democracy.

November 14, 2010

Burma: Aung San Suu Kyi “released”

For some 20 years, Aung San Suu Kyi has been denied her rights, held by force behind the walls of her home, and punished for her faith in democracy, human rights and in the rights of the people of Burma to live free from fear. Yesterday Aung San Suu Kyi was freed. International organisations call on the government of Burma to immediately release all of the prisoners of conscience in the country.

November 14, 2010

Azerbaijan: without free expression, elections not free and fair

Nine international organisations condemn the Azerbaijani government’s failure to comply with its international obligations to freedom of expression during the period surrounding the 7 November parliamentary elections.

November 14, 2010

Mansour Koushan receives Ossietzky award

Award-winning Iranian author Mansour Koushan receives the Ossietzky award for 2010. A key novelist, playwright, poet, theatre and film director and literary critic in his home country, Koushan took part in the establishment of an independent Iranian writer’s association. In exile, he remains an outspoken critic of Iran’s repressive regime.

November 13, 2010

Адной грамадскай кампаніяй меней

Апеляцыйныя калегія Мінскага гаспадарчага суда сваім рашэннем ліквідавала даследча-асветніцкую ўстанову “Рух наперад”. Такое рашэнне калегія прыняла 10 лістапада. Вызначальным для лёсу грамадзкай ініцыятывы стала тое, што ў яе межах дзейнічае іншая кампанія – “Гавары праўду”, лідар якой з’яўляецца адным з найбольш папулярных апазіцыйных кандыдатаў на выбарах 2010 года. Таму палітычны падтэкст рашэння выглядае даволі відавочным.

November 12, 2010

Общественный контроль в России под угрозой

Российские правозащитники и ряд членов ОНК выразили обеспокоенность целенаправленным разрушением только начавшей вставать на ноги системы общественного контроля, предусмотренного Федеральным законом № 76-ФЗ от 10.06.2008 г. «Об общественном контроле за обеспечением прав человека в местах принудительного содержания и о содействии лицам, находящимся в местах принудительного содержания».

November 11, 2010

NO! to ‘controlled’ civil society attempts in Belarus

The Belarusian Human Rights House has supported a statement by the HR community of Republic of Belarus against a top-down attempt to create a National Civil Society Platform which would also include the Human Rights Platform. ‘The real platform of Belarusan human rights initiatives exists not for the first year’, – noted human rights defenders of Republic of Belarus.

November 11, 2010

“Не!” стварэнню кіраванай грамадзянскай супольнасці

Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека далучыўся да заявы праваабарончых арганізацый краіны супраць спробаў стварэння “зверху” платформы грамадзянскай супольнасці, у тым ліку – праваабарончай платформы. “Рэальная платформа беларускіх праваабарончых ініцыятываў існуе ўжо не адзін год”, зазначылі праваабаронцы.

November 11, 2010

The Zhovtis case reaches the UN Human Rights Committee

A complaint concerning the unfair trial and subsequent degrading treatment of Yevgeniy Zhovtis, one of Kazakhstan’s leading human rights defenders, was filed to the UN Human Rights Committee this week. Zhovtis received the 2010 Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s Sakharov Freedom Award.

November 11, 2010

Detention of human rights defenders in Buryatia

On the 4th of November Buryatia HR defenders held protest action against Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and to support Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatiana Stetsura, accused by this Article, Co-chairwomen of the Buryatia department of Solidarnost Movement and members of Democratic Union. They are also participants of Human Rights Network’s project ‘Electronic Human rights Education for Lawyers’, which is part of the capacity building program ‘International Law in Advocacy’.