Somaliland editor sentenced to 3 years in prison
Mohamud Abdi Jama, the editor of the independent private newspaper Waheen in the semi-autonomous republic of Somaliland, sentenced to three years term in prison and was given a fine of 6 million Somaliland shillings (around 900 dollars) in connection with a story alleging public corruption. International human rights organizations condemn regional court’s decision.
Подведение итогов проекта
27 января 2011 года в музее им А.Сахарова состоялась заключительная конференция по совместному проекту «Предупреждение пыток и иного унижающего человеческое достоинство обращения в закрытых учреждениях России». В мероприятии приняли участие все группы центра, участвующие в проекте, а также представители региональных Общественных наблюдательных комиссий и некоммерческих организаций и СМИ.
Abu Zubaydah recognized as a victim in Poland’s CIA secret prison investigation
On 20 January 2011 the Polish Prosecutor officially recognizes Guantanamo prisoner Abu Zubaydah as a victim in Poland’s CIA secret prison investigation; decision should allow former “high-value detainee” to testify against his US torturers and their allies. Until now both the Polish and US governments have denied that he was illegally imprisoned and tortured in a secret prison near Szymany.
Key figures in the Polish NGO sector: Adam Bodnar
With his commercial experience Adam Bodnar, PhD knows what it takes to practise law, but it is his involvement with the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) that fills his need to help others and change the world. Secretary of the HFHR’s Board talks about his work, achievements, failures and the challenges he’s ready to face.
Nepal: hunger and malnutrition still widespread
Hunger and malnutrition in Nepal is still widespread and affects at least 4 million of its population, says Sabine Pabst from FIAN International. Yesterday Nepal’s human rights situation was reviewed for the first time under the United Nations Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism. FIAN sent a report to the UPR working group in which several cases of violations of the right to food are denounced and recommendations to the Nepalese government presented.
New criminal code coming into force in Georgia
A new criminal procedure code came into force on the first of October 2010. The code was adopted in October of 2009 after several changes and amendments were made to it, including amendments made in September of 2010 (two weeks before coming into force of the code) as well as several ammendments were made even after the new code entered into force.
Human Rights Watch Describes Human Rights Violations in Georgia
International human rights organization Human Rights Watch issued report of 2010. The big part of it concerns Georgia. It is indicated that numerous human rights violations occurred in Georgia during 2010. Report also touches the process of IDP eviction and notes that the state evicted thousands of IDPs from the temporary residence places, often leaving them homeless and without adequate compensation or accommodated them in the remote regions in inadequate conditions; here is the report covering situation in Georgia. Georgian translation belongs to Human Rights Center.
Treatment of journalists in Belarus resembles torture
The analytical review, prepared by the Committee of International Control over Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Belarus, has recently been presented and distributed to those concerned. The document is a survey depicting the authorities’ interference into activities of journalists in the Republic of Belarus.
Moroccan report confirms killing of 352 “disappeared” Saharawis
The Royal Advisory Council for Human Rights (CCDH) of Morocco in a unique report confirms the killing of 352 “disappeared” Saharawis from 1958 to 1992. Out of these, over 200 died in military bases and secret detention centres, including children. Saharawis demand an international court to look into the case.
Беларускім адвакатам неабходная маральная падтрымка
Партнёры Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека звярнуліся да замежных калегаў з просьбай аб прыцягненні ўвагі да фактаў умяшання Міністэрства юстыцыі Рэспублікі Беларусь у дзейнасць беларускіх адвакатаў і ціску з боку дзяржавы на органы адвакацкага самакіравання.
Belarusian lawyers need moral support amid government’s pressure
The Human Rights House Network’s Belarusian partners has addressed foreign Bar Associations to inform them about intimidation of lawyers in the Republic of Belarus. The Human Rights House Foundation has also called the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers for urgent action.
Stop Intimidation of IDPs! Statement of the Human Rights Center
The Human Rights Center condemns the forced eviction of the IDPs from the TSU students’ dormitory in Bagebi settlement, from the former building of the Custom’s Department in Orkhevi settlement, from the Kipshidze Street # 34, from the former building of execution bureau in Vazha-Pshavela Avenue 3rd MD and from other buildings of IDP settlement in Tbilisi on January 20 and 21.