The Human Rights Center urged the government of Georgia a month ago to stop illegal, disregarding and cruel eviction of IDPs from the centers of compact settlement (

The Human Rights Center is concerned with the feasible mass eviction of IDPs from 24 collective centers of Tbilisi which started in August of 2010. The government launched the first wave of evictions in the hottest month of summer, as for the second wave – it started during New Year holiday when civil activity is reduced in Tbilisi.

The human rights organizations, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe and public defender of Georgia evaluated the illegal eviction and resettlement of IDPs to regions very strictly.

As a result of active involvement of international organizations, the mass evictions were temporarily halted before developing the special procedures. By the active participation of UN High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) the Standard Operative Procedures of Eviction/Transfer to another Accommodation for Ensuring the Long-term Residence Places for IDPs. This document was confirmed by the Supervisory Council of the Committee of IDP Administration of the Ministry of Refugee and Accommodation that can be assessed to be a positive step.

However, as it became clear on January 20, the procedures written out in the document are far from the violent and intolerable practice. The IDPs received notifications about possible resettlement on the previous day of the eviction. Nobody cared about their reaction and positions.

During eviction, the police officers blocked the surrounding area of the Bagebi based dormitory. The relatives of the IDPs requested permission to enter the dormitory where IDPs were evicted under force. The police officers did not allow the representatives of the EU Mission in Georgia to enter the area as well as the member of the human rights committee of the parliament of Georgia and other politicians who wanted to monitor the process. After the police officers refused them to enter the building, the relatives and law enforcement officers started quarrel. The police detained 10 persons whose locations were not known for several hours. Later, five detainees were released; other five people were taken to the City Court where 14-day imprisonment was imposed on them. The imprisoned people are: Chairman of the IDP Civil Movement Manuchar Sigua and member of the Free Georgia Gia Kruashvili; as for IDPs – Irina Pirtskheliani, Bela Khergiani and Julieta Tsindeliani – they have to pay fine of 400 GEL.

Irina Pirtskheliani, Gia Kruashvili and Manuchar Sigua were charged for the resistance to the police officers (Article 173 of the Administrative Code of Georgia) and minor hooliganism (Article 166 of the Administrative Code).

The Human Rights Center requests freedom of the detained IDPs and activists who expressed their protest against violence. Their imprisonment is the blatant violation of the rights to freedom of speech and expression that is guaranteed by the Constitution of Georgia.

The lawyers of the Human Rights Center are ready to protect the breached rights of IDPs and represent them at the court.

The Human Rights Center again ddresses the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees of Georgia to stop the eviction of IDPs and start the dialogue with the adequate offer; try the best to avoid leaving hundreds of IDPs in the streets for New Year’s; the Center addresses the local and international organizations to monitor the implementation of the established procedures in practice.