

November 9, 2011

Brave fighters for human dignity at Rafto Symposium in Bergen

On 4 November Frank Mugisha, the laureate of rafto prize 2011, in his keynote address at the Rafto Symposium spoke about his work for LGBT people in Uganda and the challenges human rights defenders are facing. The annual Rafto symposium included a number of famous human rights defenders who talked about challenges HR defenders are facing in the future.

November 8, 2011

Belarus review on torture at the United Nations

On 11 and 14 November the United Nations Committee against Torture has considered Belarus on the implementation of the Convention against torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment.

November 7, 2011

Report “Non-custodial preventive measures”

Courts and prosecutors still do not use non-custodial preventive measures often enough, says the joint report by the HFHR, the Forum of Civic Development and the Polish Business Roundtable drafted as part of the ‘Better Justice System’ project. The report examines the practical application of such measures as surety, duty to report to local police, prohibition to leave the country or suspension from work in criminal proceedings.

November 7, 2011

First ever democratic presidential elections held in Kyrgyzstan

In Kyrgyzstan, the previous Prime Minister Almazbek Atambayev has received approximately 63% of the votes in Presidential Elections that were found mostly free and fair by the observers. Violations in the electoral process were mainly related to the voter’s lists, where a significant number of the voters could not find their name and thus could not vote.

November 6, 2011

Cartoons of Mohammed and freedom of speech again

This week the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo were firebombed after it named the Prophet Muhammed its “editor-in-chief” for an upcoming issue. Index on Censorship presents three comments on the topic. All of them agree that there is no room for violence against journalists in a free society and ‘fist’ is no argument.

November 6, 2011

Даклад па сітуацыі ў Беларусі будзе прадстаўлены ў Камітэт ААН супраць катаванняў

Камітэт ААН супраць катаванняў 11 лістапада разгледзіць перыядычную справаздачу Беларусі аб выкананні канвенцыі ААН аб забароне катаванняў ды іншых відаў жорсткага і бесчалавечнага абыходжання.

November 5, 2011

Norway in the crosshairs of the Human Rights Committee

The United Nations Human Rights Committee engaged on 24 and 25 October a dialogue with the Norwegian government on questions related to the implementation of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in the country. Discussions were enriched by the Norwegian NGO Forum for Human Rights that submitted a report and its replies to the List of Issues to the Committee.

November 4, 2011

Infringement of the rights of activists in Azerbaijan

The HFHR sent a letter to the Polish Ambassador in Baku regarding the cases of human rights infringements against NGO activists in Azerbaijan. The Foundation refers in its letter to an incident that took place in August, during which headquarters of three NGOs were destroyed, also raising the issue of the Human Rights House closed in March this year.

November 4, 2011

The trial of Ales Bialiatski continues in Belarus

A trial of Ales Bialiatski is under way in Belarus. Bialiatski is accused of tax evasion on a large scale. Social activists, politicians and diplomats are attending the process.

November 4, 2011

У Беларусі працягваецца суд над Алесем Бяляцкім

У Беларусі ідзе суд над Алесем Бяляцкім, якога абвінавачваюць ва ўхіленні ад сплаты падаткаў у асабліва буйных памерах У залі прысутнічаюць грамадскія актывісты, палітыкі і дыпламаты.

November 1, 2011

Belarus closes borders before the trial (updated)

Representatives from human rights organisations, including Civil Rights Defenders, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Human Rights House Foundation and International
Partnership for Human Rights, have been denied visa for travel to Belarus and cannot attend the trial of Ales Bialiatski, leader of the human rights organisation
Viasna. This clearly shows that the trial is politically motivated.

November 1, 2011

Пачынаецца суд над Бяляцкім. Замежных праваабаронцаў у Беларусь не пусцілі

2 лістапада пачынаецца судовы працэс над Алесем Бяляцкім. Кіраўнік Праваабарончага цэнтру “Вясна”, вядомы беларускі дысідэнт і праваабаронца абвінавачваецца ва “ўтойванні даходаў у асабліва буйных маштабах”. Замежных праваабаронцаў на суд не пускаюць. Праваабарончыя арганізацыі і ЕЗ пратэстуюць.