

November 23, 2011

Venice Commission critical to Azerbaijani NGO Law

On 19 October 2011, the Venice Commission adopted its opinion on the Azerbaijani NGO Law, which, among others, discussed the new requirements for foreign NGOs and the closure of the Human Rights House Azerbaijan (HRHA). It held that new requirements are against the core of democratic values and the conditions set are problematic.

November 23, 2011

Burmas stemme

Fra en bakgård i Oslo kjemper journalistene i Democratic Voice of Burma mot et av verdens verste diktaturer. Vi følger tv-kanalen når de går live for første gang under Burmas hittil eneste valg siden 1990, og dekker løslatelsen av demokratiforkjemperen Aung San Suu Kyi direkte minutt for minutt.

November 22, 2011

Award for the Strategic Litigation Programme

The HFHR’s Strategic Litigation Programme has won the European Award for Partnership in the Public Interest bestowed by the Public Interest Law Network (PILnet) for the most effective public-interest collaboration with law firms in 2011. The Award was handed out during the 2011 European Pro Bono Forum in Berlin. PILnet is a global organisation acting to strengthen civil society through inspiring and engaging lawyers in public interest actions.

November 21, 2011

Liu Xiaobo on the jury of the 11th edition of WATCH DOCS

This year, WATCH DOCS organisers have invited Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese human rights and peace activist, to sit on the jury of the Festival. In this way, they joined the “Empty Chair” campaign. As one of the signatories to the “Charter 08″, Liu Xiaobo called for bringing democracy to and abolishing the one-party system in China. In 2010 Mr Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

November 21, 2011

Human rights defenders are not heard in Belarus

The Belarusian side has sent a response to a joint letter drafted by nine international human rights organizations, in which human rights defenders expressed concern regarding amendments to the legislation as well as their consequences and urged the Council not to adopt the changes. However, the official Minsk did not pay attention to the letter, and the amendments were adopted.

November 21, 2011

Беларусь не прыслухалася да праваабаронцаў

Беларускі бок даслаў адказ на сумесны ліст дзевяці міжнародных праваабарончых арганізацый, у якім праваабаронцы выказалі занепакоенасць унясеннем паправак у заканадаўства і іх наступствамі і заклікалі Савет Рэспублікі папраўкі не пацвярджаць. Аднак афіцыйны Мінск на гэта ўвагі не звярнуў, папраўкі былі зацверджаныя.

November 19, 2011

New media law threatens to initiate self-censorship in Hungary

The new media regulation law in Hungary is broad, uncertain and inconsistent with basic standards of media freedom, states the international partnership mission to Hungary. There is also a threat that media owners will discipline or sack journalists writing on controversial matters as they may attract complains and huge fines as a result.

November 19, 2011

Writers in Prison Exhibition

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC), English PEN has produced ‘Beyond Bars’, a mobile exhibition highlighting ten of the most significant cases they have worked on since 1960.

November 19, 2011

Debate: is transparency bad for science?

Index on Censorship organises a panel debate on science and transparency to launch the science issue.

November 17, 2011

The Arab Spring and Beyond

International Conference “The Arab Spring – and Beyond” will focus on countries where the uprisings have not succeeded and on those where they have, but where freedoms are still fragile.

November 15, 2011

Case remanded for retrial for the sixth time

The Court of Appeal revoked the judgement in the case of Waldemar T. charged with a high-profile murder at Palisadowa Street in Warsaw. The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has been taking an ongoing interest in the trial against Waldemar T. for more than ten years. In the recent judgement, issued in November, the Court of Appeal in Warsaw once again ordered re-trial.

November 15, 2011

Tibet: 8th young man sets fire to himself in Ngaba

A former Kirti monk set fire to himself in a protest on the main street in Ngaba (Chinese: Aba) county town just before noon on October 15, according to exiled Tibetan sources. Norbu Damdrul, a 19-year old former monk at Kirti monastery in Ngaba, shouted “We need freedom and independence for Tibet,” and called for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet as his body was burning