

November 25, 2011

Action of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski held in Vilnius

On November 25 rally of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski and other political prisoners in Belarus was held near the building of the Belarusian Embassy in Vilnius.

November 25, 2011

У Вільні прайшла акцыя салідарнасці з Алесем Бяляцкім

25 лістапада каля будынка амбасады Рэспублікі Беларусь у Вільні прайшла акцыя салідарнасці з Алесем Бяляцкім і ўсімі палітвязнямі Беларусі.

November 25, 2011

Azerbaijani writer-journalist Rafig Tagi assassinated

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) condemns the indifference of the Azerbaijani government to journalism and freedom of the press, which led to death of writer-journalist Rafig Tagi on 23 November 2011, the International Day to End Impunity.

November 25, 2011

Заклік тэрмінова вызваліць і рэабілітаваць Алеся Бяляцкага

Мы, ніжэйпадпісаныя 64 арганізацыі па правах чалавека, члены і партнёры Сеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека, рашуча асуджаем вырак суду, згодна з якім Алесь Бяляцкі асуджаны на 4,5 гады пазбаўлення волі з канфіскацыяй маёмасці. Мы заклікаем беларускія ўлады неадкладна зняць усе абвінавачванні супраць Алеся Бяляцкага і спыніць яго крымінальны пераслед.

November 24, 2011

Raul Lopez “Human work disposed as cheap labour”

Bishop José Raúl Vera López, the 2010 Rafto Prize laureate, is a strong defender for Mexico’s most vulnerable, and once again he gave a voice to their struggles at business seminar in Bergen on 3 November and Rafto Symposium on 4 November 2011

November 24, 2011

Kazakhstan: civil liberties versus security

Having experienced economic growth, while granting limited freedoms to its population since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has recently been shocked by terrorist acts. In Atyrau, Western Kazakhstan, on 31 October four young men placed bombs close to security service instalments. In a further serious development, on Saturday 12 November, a young man killed five law enforcement officers, two bystanders and himself in a shooting spree in Taraz, Southern Kazakhstan

November 24, 2011

Bialiatski sentenced to 4.5 years of maximum security colony

On November 24 judge Siarhey Bandarenka announced sentence to the head of human rights centre “Viasna”, Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights Ales Bialiatski. Sentence: Four and a half years of maximum security colony with confiscation of property.

November 24, 2011

Ales Bialiatski: sentenced to 4,5 years in prison

On 23 November 2011, Judge Siarhei Bandarenka of Minsk Pershamaiski District Court announced its verdict to sentence Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski to 4,5 years imprisonment with confiscation of his property.

November 24, 2011

Бяляцкі атрымаў 4,5 гады калоніі ўзмоцненага рэжыму

24 лістапада судздзя Сяргей Бандарэнка абвесціў прысуд кіраўніку праваабарончага цэнтру «Вясна», віцэ-прэзыдэнту Міжнароднай фэдэрацыі правоў чалавека Алесю Бяляцкаму. Вырак: : Чатыры з паловай гады калёніі ўзмоцненага рэжыму з канфіскацыяй маёмасці.

November 24, 2011

Belarus: New legislative amendments unduly restrict fundamental rights

Three United Nations independent experts warned that the new legislative amendments recently adopted by the National Assembly of Belarus may severely and arbitrarily restrict the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly, association and expression, and breach international law, and called Ales Bialiatski to be released.

November 24, 2011

Call for immediate release and rehabilitation of Ales Bialiatski

78 human rights organizations, members and partners of the Human Rights House Network, resolutely condemn the court verdict to sentence Ales Bialiatski to 4,5 years imprisonment with confiscation of his property. We call upon the Belarusian authorities to immediately drop all charges against Ales Bialiatski and stop his criminal prosecution.

November 23, 2011

Day of the Imprisoned Writer 2011

On 15th November 2011 PEN International, the worldwide association of writers, marked the 30th Annual Day of the Imprisoned Writer; an international day of action intended to recognize and support writers who have resisted repression of their basic human right to freedom of expression