

February 27, 2012

NHC Seminar: Putin Era Is Over

Putin will not survive the next presidential term. He will off course win the upcoming elections, he is in reality the only candidate, but he will be replaced within two years. The Russian political elites will ensure this, together with the protesters in the streets. This was one of the conclusions of Nicolay Petrov, who participated at The Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s seminar Presidential Elections in Russia – a New Spring?, at the House of Literature in Oslo on 15 February

February 26, 2012

Mother of the death convict: “The hope arose that my son would not be executed”

Liubou Kavaliova (right), the mother of the sentenced to the death penalty Uladzislau Kavaliou, appeals to all authorities with the hope of saving her son. Deputies of the European Parliament discussed the death penalty in Belarus and adopted the respective resolution.

February 24, 2012

Access to wire tapping statistics

The Provincial Administrative Court (WSA) in Warsaw revoked the decision of the Bureau’s director to discontinue the proceedings initiated upon the HFHR’s motion to disclose statistics on investigative methods used by the CBA, including wire tapping. Giving the oral justification of the judgment, the court noted the huge significance of the right to public information for developing a civic society.

February 23, 2012

Dangerous profession: 46 journalists killed last year

At least 46 journalists were killed around the world in 2011 and 179 writers, editors and photojournalists were behind bars on December 1, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reports.

February 23, 2012

Маці асуджанага на смяротнае пакаранне: “У маім сэрцы зацеплілася надзея, што сына не расстраляюць”

Любоў Кавалёва (на фота), маці асуджанага на смяротнае пакарання Уладзіслава Кавалёва, звяртаецца ва ўсе інстанцыі ў надзеі выратаваць сына. Дэпутаты Еўрапарламента абмеркавалі пытанне смяротнага пакарання ў Беларусі і прынялі адпаведную рэзалюцыю.

February 23, 2012

Poland will take actions in Magnitsky case

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed that Poland will take actions to develop a common and strong position of the European Union urging Russia to conduct a transparent and consistent with international standards investigation into the death of Sergei Magnitsky. In a situation of the unsatisfactory response from the Russian Federation, Poland will strive to develop in the European Union a list of persons who have contributed to the death of S. Magnitsky and to impose visa and financial sanctions to these persons.

February 21, 2012

L. Ulyashyna: “Universal values ​​and human rights standards will be brought to different countries

On 16-19 February the Belarusian Human Rights House hosted a working meeting and training within the framework of the project Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers (EHREL). Coordinators, experts and project partners discussed the key issues and perspectives of the project.

February 21, 2012

Honduras: Statement of UN Special Rapporteur on situation of human rights defenders

Statement of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Margaret Sekaggya, on the conclusion of her official visit to Honduras. During the visit from the 7 to 14 February 2012, M Sekaggya visited Honduras and travelled to Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba. During my visit, I met with the President; the Minister of Justice and Human Rights; the Minister of the Indigenous and Afro-Honduran people; the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs; the Vice-Minister for Defense; the Vice-Minister of Internal Affairs; the Vice-Minister of Security.

February 21, 2012

Martin Paulsen – the new Head of the Rafto Prize Committee

Martin Paulsen (33) is the new Head of Rafto Prize Committee. He is a Post Doctoral Researcher at the University of Bergen specializing in Eastern European languages and literature, as well as Internet studies.

February 21, 2012

NGOs call for action at UN Human Rights Council

44 non-governmental organisations, including partners and members of the Human Rights House Network, urge the Human Rights Council to raise concern relating to fundamental freedoms in Azerbaijan.

February 21, 2012

Перенос даты объявления результатов набора в проект дистанционного обучения адвокатов

Секретариат международной Сети домов прав человека сообщает, что в связи с поступлением большого количества заявок на участие в программе дистанционного обучения адвокатов и юристов международному праву прав человека и необходимостью продлить срок рассмотрения поступивших документов, объявление о решении конкурсной комиссии откладывается.

February 20, 2012

Л. Ульяшына: “Універсальныя каштоўнасці і стандарты правоў чалавека будуць данесены да розных краін”

З 16 па 19 лютага ў Беларускім Доме правоў чалавека прайшлі працоўная сустрэча і трэнінг у межах праекту “Дыстанцыйнае навучанне адвакатаў правам чалавека”. Каардынатары, эксперты і партнёры праекту абмеркавалі ключавыя пытанні і перспектывы курса.