

February 19, 2012

Book launch: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom

Rebecca MacKinnon’s will present her new book, Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom.

February 19, 2012

Freedom of asylum seekers without documents

Asylum seekers without documents – what do they risk when they are expressing themselves freely?

February 18, 2012

Russian authorities aim to control independent media ahead of election?

Two weeks before Presidential election in Russia, board of directors of the independent radio station Ekho Moskvy was changed. This week the Moscow Prosecutor’s Office announced that the online television station Dozhd TV was under investigation to determine who financed the channel’s broadcasts of anti-Kremlin demonstrations. French journalist and author Anne Nivat expelled from the country for interviewing opposition.

February 18, 2012

SMUG Rejects Re-Tabled Anti Homosexuality Bill

Rafto Laureate 2011 Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) by Frank Mugisha gravely opposes the Parliament’s re-tabling of Hon. David Bahati’s notorious “Anti-Homosexuality Bill, 2009 on 7 February 2012 at the opening of the 9th Parliament.

February 17, 2012

Minsk Court upheld the ruling in Ales Belyatsky’s case

In January 2012 Minsk Court upheld the custodial sentence of four and a half years in a penal colony for Ales Belyatsky, the head of Human Rights Centre Vesna. Mr Belyatsky’s wife has paid $90,000 to an account of the court, the sum the activist was ordered to pay by the first-instance as alleged tax arrears. The money had been collected through voluntary donations made during a fund raising campaign launched by Belarusian human rights defenders.

February 17, 2012

UN expert raises alarm on arbitrary restrictions in Georgia

There are a number of worrying signs that indicate that the focus on greater modernization and investment can easily derail the human rights achievements, says UN expert Maina Kiai.

February 16, 2012

Галадоўка як пратэст супраць пераследу

Віцебскі актывтіст Сяргей Каваленка (на фота) быў затрыманы 19 снежня і дагэтуль трымае галадоўку на знак пратэсту супраць свайго затрымання і прадстаўленых абвінавачанняў. Гэта дрэнна ўплывае на яго здароўе і непакоіць грамадскую супольнасць. Еўрапейскія і беларускія палітыкі і праваабаронцы заклікаюць Сяргея спыніць галадаванне.

February 15, 2012

The hunger strike as a protest against the persecution

An activist from Vitsebsk Siarhei Kavalenka (right) was arrested on 19 December and since than has been keeping hunger strike protesting against his detention and the charges brought against him. It is dangerous for his health and the civic society is worried about the situation. European and Belarusian politicians and human rights defender called upon Siarhei to stop the hunger strike.

February 14, 2012

Presidential elections in Turkmenistan

The authoritarian Central Asian state’s leader, who assumed power in 2006 after the death of eccentric President Saparmurat Niyazov, faces seven loyal members of the elite on the ballot, none of whom dared to criticise him during the campaign. In turn Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov is predicted to win vote with critics branding rival candidates as token challengers

February 13, 2012

Belarusian authorities against UN considering the complaint on the right to life violation

The relatives of Uladzislau Kavaliou, who was convicted of the death penalty, have sent complaint on the right to life violation to the UN Committee on Human Rights however the Belarusian side considered the complaint invalid as not all national remedies had been used. At the same time it is simply impossible to exhaust all national remedies – the convicted person learns that he was refused a pardon just a few minutes before death.

February 12, 2012

Russian government blocks public health organization’s website

Russian authorities ordered to block the website of a public health organization, the Andrey Rylkov Foundation, for discussing the addiction medicine methadone. “Now, even our speaking about it seems to be banned”, says president of the foundation. Human rights organizations, including Article 19, interpret the move as an assault on freedom of expression.

February 11, 2012

Урад Беларусі супраць разгляду скаргі аб парушэнні права на жыццё у ААН

Блізкія Уладзіслава Кавалёва, асуджанага на смяротнае пакаранне, накіравалі ў Камітэт правоў чалавека ААН скаргу аб парушэнні права на жыццё, аднак беларускі бок палічыў скаргу непрымальнай праз нявычарпанасць ўсіх нацыянальных сродкаў абароны. Пры гэтым вычарпаць усе нацыянальныя сродкі абароны проста немагчыма – асуджаны даведваецца пра тое, што яму адмоўлена ў памілаванні за некалькі хвілінаў да смерці.