

October 11, 2012

ECtHR: conviction for defamation violates freedom of expression

The European Court of Human Rights held last week that the conviction of Izabela Lewandowska-Malec for a letter, in which she had expressed critical opinions about mayor of Świątniki Górne, had violated the applicant’s right to freedom of expression (Application no. 39660/07).

October 10, 2012

Human Rights House Network calls upon Belarusian authorities to release Ales Bialiatski

Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network call upon the President and the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus to immediately release human rights defender Ales Bialiatski.

October 10, 2012

“Give the Body Back”: Liubou Kavaliova demands to return her executed son’s body

10 October is the World Day Against the Death Penalty, a very important topic for Belarus. Liubou Kavaliova, the mother of Uladzislau Kavaliou, who was executed for involvement in the Minsk metro bombing, introduced the “Give the Body Back” campaign in the Netherlands, while EU Ambassadors delivered démarche to Belarus to draw attention of the Belarusian authorities to the problem of death penalty.

October 9, 2012

International organisations condemn detention of youth activist in Azerbaijan

ARTICLE 19 and Index on Censorship are concerned about the arrest of Zaur Gurbanli, an activist with the N!DA Civic Movement and the Positive Change Youth Movement.

October 9, 2012

Адвакаты з пяці краін абмеркавалі інструменты абароны права на свабоду слова, сходаў і асацыяцый

29-30 верасня ў Маскве прайшла рэгіянальная канферэнцыя «Свабода слова і асацыяцый: Ад тэорыі да практыкі», у якой прынялі ўдзел адвакаты, праваабаронцы, журналісты і эксперты з пяці краін – Азербайджана, Беларусі, Малдовы, Расіі, Украіны.

October 9, 2012

Government changed through elections in Georgia

On October 1, 2012 Parliamentary Elections were held in Georgia. It was first elections throughout twenty-year-long independence history of the country when the government has changed through elections.

October 9, 2012

«Вярніце цела»: Любоў Кавалёва патрабуе вярнуць цела расстралянага сына

10 кастрычніка – Сусветны дзень супраць смяротнага пакарання. Гэтая тэма надзвычай актуальная для Беларусі. Любоў Кавалёва, маці пакаранага смерцю па справе аб выбуху ў мінскім метро Уладзіслава Кавалёва, прадставіла ў Нідэрландах кампанію «Вярніце цела», а амбасадары Еўрасаюза прад’явілі дэмарш Беларусі, звяртаючы ўвагу беларускіх уладаў на праблему смяротнага пакарання.

October 9, 2012

Сетка Дамоў правоў чалавека заклікае беларускія ўлады вызваліць Алеся Бяляцкага

Члены і партнёры Cеткі Дамоў правоў чалавека звярнуліся з лістом да Прэзідэнта і Генеральнага пракурора Рэспублікі Беларусь, заклікаючы да неадкладнага вызвалення праваабаронцы Алеся Бяляцкага і спынення пераследу і зневажаючага чалавечую годнасць абыходжання ў дачыненні да яго падчас яго знаходжання ў турме.

October 5, 2012

HRHT Members Condemn Publication of Personal Data by Asaval-Dasavali Newspaper

Human Rights House Tbilisi’s member organizations condemn incitement to violence by the newspaper Asaval-Dasavali, which published personal data of Gldani Prison Personnel in their edition with the headline “Recognize the Butchers!”

October 5, 2012

Human Rights House Tbilisi’s Members Condemn Publication of Personal Data by Asaval-Dasavali

Human Rights House Tbilisi’s member organizations condemn incitement to violence by the newspaper Asaval-Dasavali, which published personal data of Gldani Prison Personnel in their edition with the headline “Recognize the Butchers!”

October 4, 2012

Repealed decisions on the refusal to issue travel documents for two Iraqis

The Head of the Office for Foreigners admitted the HFHR’s complaints directed to the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw before their submittal to the Court. He acknowledged that the submissions raised are fully justified. As a consequence, administrative bodies will be once again processing the case of issuing the Polish travel documents for two Iraqis.

October 3, 2012

Letter to the Prime Minister on the enforcement of the ECtHR judgments

The ECtHR inquired Prime Minister Donald Tusk to provide the expected date of developing the report on the enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in Poland.This issue was discussed at the meeting of the Committee for Justice and Human Rights of the Sejm, the lower Polish parliamentary chamber, held in April 2012.