

September 25, 2012

To Ales on his 50th birthday

We salut you and will celebrate your 50th birthday with a strong and unison message: Release Ales Bialiatski and the 12 other political prisoners in Belarus immediately and unconditionally!

September 25, 2012

EOTP project team calls for release of their detained activists

On 24 September dozens of activists of the Election Observation: Theory and Practice (EOTP) youth project, who monitored the parliamentary election in Belarus at polling stations last week, were detained in Minsk.

September 25, 2012

Human Rights House Network congratulates Ales Bialiatski on his 50th anniversary!

Human Rights House Network, which represents 100 human rights organizations, expresses its solidarity and support to Ales Bialiatski and congratulates him on his 50th anniversary!

September 25, 2012

Сетка Дамоў правоў чалавека віншуе Алеся Бяляцкага з 50-годдзем!

Сетка Дамоў Правоў Чалавека, якая прадстаўляе 100 арганізацый па правах чалавека, выказвае сваю салідарнасць і падтрымку Алесю Бяляцкаму і віншуе яго з 50-годдзем!

September 25, 2012

Зварот з нагоды затрымання актывістаў моладзевага праекта “Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка”

24 верасня ў Мінску затрыманыя некалькі дзесяткаў актывістаў маладзевага праекта “Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка”, якія напярэдадні ажыццяўлялі назіранне на выбарчых участках.

September 24, 2012

У новым беларускім парламенце не будзе ніводнага прадстаўніка апазіцыі

23 верасня ў Беларусі прайшлі парламенцкія выбары. Ніхто з прадстаўнікоў апазіцыі ў парламент не трапіў, а сам выбарчы працэс выклікаў шмат пытанняў у назіральнікаў, палітыкаў і грамадскіх актывістаў.

September 23, 2012

Journalist death toll in Somalia rises to 13 this year

Four Somali journalists were killed last week within 24 hours. On 20 September three journalists were killed and at least four injured in a suicide bomb attack in a Mogadishu café. The next day the fourth journalist was shot by gunmen just hours after he had reported on the explosion in the café.

September 22, 2012

Training for lawyers/advocates: call for applications

Secretariat of the International Human Rights House Network – Human Rights House Foundation announces a call for Belarusian lawyers and advocates to participate in a study group on international human rights within the framework of “International law to protect the public interest” program.

September 21, 2012

Protest against torture and abuse in Georgian prisons

Video footages depicting grave abuses, beating and humiliation of prisoners by the prison guards were last week shown on Georgian TV channels.

September 19, 2012

Aung San Suu Kyi visiting the US, there is still no peace in Myanmar

Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader, is travelling to the US for the first time since she was put under house arrest in 1990. The Nobel laureate, who begins her 18-day tour of the US on Monday, will be presented the Congressional Gold Medal and meet various members of the state department and possibly the White House. She will also hold meetings with various Burmese expatriates and groups across the US.

September 19, 2012

After nine years of struggle, Mexican peasants celebrate victory

After nine years of peasant struggle, the Cacahuatepec Accords signed by the Governor of Guerrero, Ángel Aguirre Rivero, and the Council of Ejidos and Communities Opposing La Parota (CECOP) is a major step towards the definitive cancellation of the building of the hydroelectric dam.

September 19, 2012

Picket brutally dispersed in Minsk on the first day of early voting (updated)

On 18 September activists who organised a pre-election picket in Minsk, along with the journalists who covered it, were violently detained.