

October 18, 2012

Advocates from 5 countries discussed ways to protect rights to freedom of expression and association

On 29-30 September a regional HRHN conference “Freedom of Speech and Association: From Theory to Practice” was held in Moscow, Russian Federation. The conference was attended by lawyers, human rights defenders, journalists and experts from five countries – Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

October 18, 2012

Mozambique: human rights violated by Swedish investors

On 16 October, World Food Day, FIAN International asks the public to take a stand for the rights of Mozambican peasants experiencing right to food violations at the hands of European investors.

October 18, 2012

Kazakhstan opposition leader sentenced in politically motivated trial

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is disappointed to learn of the seven-and-a-half-year prison sentence given to Kazakhstan’s opposition leader Vladimir Kozlov on 8 October 2012. Kozlov, head of the main opposition party in Kazakhstan, Alga! (Forward), was convicted for allegedly “inciting social discord”.

October 17, 2012

Internal Security Agency ordered to disclose statistics on investigative methods

The Supreme Administrative Court dismissed the cassation complaint filed by the Internal Security Agency against the March judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw. In the judgment the PAC ordered the Agency to disclose statistics on the number of the employed investigative methods, according to the disclosure request submitted by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

October 17, 2012

ЕС працягнуў санкцыі ў дачыненні да Беларусі

15 кастрычніка Рада міністраў замежных спраў ЕС падоўжыла дзеянне санкцый у дачыненні да Беларусі да 31 кастрычніка 2013 года.

October 16, 2012

60 international NGOs urge British government to strenthen libel law reforms

Last week sixty international NGOs have published an open letter to Prime Minister David Cameron urging him to deliver on promises and to take action to change the libel law. The Libel Reform Campaign is calling on the House of Lords to make substantive amendments to the bill, in particular a new public interest defence and amendments to the “responsible journalism” defence.

October 16, 2012

Дискуссия «Можно ли мечтать в стране Стабильности?»

Литовский центр за права человека и Белорусский Дом прав человека приглашают вас на просмотр фильма «Белорусская мечта» и на дискуссию «Можно ли мечтать в стране Стабильности?» 22 октября в 18:00 в кинотеатре Skalvia (A. Goštauto g. 2/15).

October 16, 2012

Inconvenient films discussion “Is it possible to dream in the Island of Stability?”

The Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights and the Belarusian Human Rights House have an honor to invite you to a screening of the film “Belarusian Dream” and a discussion at 18:00 on 22 October in Skalvija

October 14, 2012

Адвокаты пяти стран СНГ обсудили инструменты защиты свободы слова и ассоциаций

29-30 сентября в Москве прошла региональная конференция «Свобода слова и ассоциаций: От теории к практике», в которой приняли участие адвокаты, правозащитники, журналисты и эксперты из пяти стран: Азербайджана, Беларуси, Молдовы, Украины, России.

October 11, 2012

Выканаўчы дырэктар Фонду Дамоў правоў чалавека Марыя Дале пра Алеся Бяляцкага: «Чалавек волі»

Што падарыць на 50-годдзе чалавеку, які страціў усё, а самае галоўнае – Свабоду? Алесю Бяляцкаму, аднаму з самых смелых праваабаронцаў Беларусі, 25 верасня споўнілася 50 гадоў. Ужо больш за год ён утрымліваецца ў беларускай папраўчай калоніі: Бяляцкі быў абвінавачаны ва ўтойванні даходаў і прысуджаны да чатырох з паловай гадоў пазбаўлення волі.

October 11, 2012

NHC presents submissions to the UN Human Rights Council on Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee remains deeply concerned about the current human rights situation in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, which begs for improvement on every aspect of fundamental human rights, says Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Bjørn Engesland. Both states are counted amongst the most repressive not only in the Central Asian region, but also in the world as a whole. Torture, political use of the judiciary and repression of media and civil society are widespread.

October 11, 2012

Jan Satyagraha: In Support of March for Justice

FIAN International expresses its support for the struggle for the rights to food, to land, to water, to seeds and to forest of more than 400 million people in India who remain entrenched in poverty. Jan Satyagraha 2012 – March for Justice – is a crucial mobilisation of indigenous peoples, landless, peasants and other food producers in India, towards realisation of their rights, but, in reality, it is much more than that.