

May 10, 2017

Vacancy at the Belarusian HRH: Program development and fundraising officer

When: Wednesday, 10. May 2017 To: Saturday, 10. June 2017 Contact: (

April 19, 2017

Defenders or Violators?

Lack of Independence of Judicial Officials and Prosecution of Human Rights Defenders in Member States of the Council of Europe

March 17, 2017

Let’s celebrate Freedom Day together!

We invite to celebrate Freedom Day together in Vilnius on 25 Match (Saturday).

March 13, 2017

Святкуем Дзень Волі разам!

Запрашаем разам адсвяткаваць Дзень Волі 25 сакавіка ў Вільні.

February 27, 2017

Side event: Azerbaijan: Continued repression of civil society and human rights defenders

The United Nations Human Rights Council must act to stop Azerbaijan’s continued crackdown on human rights defenders and civil society. Despite repeated warnings and recommendations from international and European human rights bodies, the Azerbaijani authorities continue to disregard their obligations under international human rights law.

This side event brings together Azerbaijani human rights defenders with UN and State representatives to outline their different perspectives on the situation, and call for the international community to respond.

February 21, 2017

Solidarity in action against right-wing extremism: activist and philanthropic innovations from Croat

A debate aiming to provide a unique insider’s insight into innovative activist and philanthropic practices of citizen resistance to hostile attacks on human rights over the past year in Croatia, marked by acute democratic regression, due to the rise of an ultraconservative movement, the political mainstreaming of radical right and populism.

February 21, 2017

Peace and human rights in a time of international instability and growing populism

On 1 March, Polish human rights defender Danuta Przywara, Chairperson of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, will be one of four civil society representatives, from around the world, to address heads of state and dignitaries at the opening of the UN Human Rights Council.

February 21, 2017

Peace and human rights in a time of international instability and growing populism

On 1 March, Polish human rights defender Danuta Przywara, Chairperson of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, will be one of four civil society representatives to address heads of state and dignitaries at the opening high-level segment of the UN Human Rights Council.

January 26, 2017

Docudays UA: Documentary film festival in Ukraine

When: Thursday, 23. March 2017 To: Friday, 31. March 2017 Where: Kyiv More info: