Open debate with UN Secretary General Candidates
On the 12 of July at the UN, high-level representatives from States, civil society and the private sector discussed the human rights situation in the world. There was also a first televised live debate with the candidates for Secretary General at the United Nations, which was open for questions from the public.
Human Rights House Yerevan reaches milestone
The process of establishing a Human Rights House in Yerevan, Armenia, has reached a new milestone. Together with the core group of organisations, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) finalised the purchase of a house that will be the future work premises for 11 human rights organisations and a hub for human rights in Armenia.
New UN Resolution: the situation with human rights in the country remains critical
The United Nations Human Rights Council reminded the international community about the situation with human rights in Belarus today by adopting the Resolution that highlights a wide range of human rights violations in this country.
Новая рэзалюцыя ААН – крытычнае становішча ў галіне правоў чалавека ў краіне застаецца
Савет па правах чалавека Арганізацыі Аб’яднаных Нацый нагадаў міжнароднай супольнасці аб сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі, прыняўшы сёння рэзалюцыю, якая асвятляе шырокі спектр парушэнняў правоў чалавека ў гэтай краіне.
United Nations renews Special Rapporteur mandate on Belarus
The UN Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution renewing the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus for another year. The resolution also raises a wide range of human rights violations in the country and urges Belarus to enact reforms and to fully cooperate with the Special Rapporteur.
Kyiv Exhibition of Women Human Rights Defenders: Portraits of Strength
The exhibition “Women Human Rights Defenders: Portraits of Strength” is being held from 30 June to 30 July 2016 at America House in Kyiv, Ukraine. It features 18 women human rights defenders in the Human Rights House Network, acknowledging the vital role that women play locally, nationally, and internationally in protecting and promoting human rights.
Support Human Rights House Voronezh through Crowdfunding
Human Rights House Voronezh has launched a campaign to raise 290,000 RUB (4,043 EUR) with crowdfunding. The amount will cover six months’ rent, secretary costs for the legal aid public reception office, and renovation of the co-working space.
Human rights defenders insist on independent analysis of Eduard Palchys’s texts
Human rights defenders do not rule out a political motive in persecution of the blogger, but in order to get a clear vision of the situation they need an expert evaluation of his texts. However, at the moment it is difficult to call the case transparent.
Праваабаронцы бачаць неабходнасць у незалежным аналізе тэкстаў блогера Jhon Silver
Праваабаронцы не выключаюць палітычны матыў пераследу блогера, але для ацэнкі дадзенай крымінальнай справы маюць патрэбу ў экспертызе яго тэкстаў. Аднак на дадзены момант празрыстай сітуацыю назваць вельмі складана.