Human Rights Defender on trial in Armenia
(Updated 8 March) Marina Poghosyan works against corruption in Armenia. She now faces charges of extortion. Human rights organisations have linked the trial to the work of the human rights defender’s organisation in uncovering illegal activities involving officials in the country.
Azerbaijani photojournalist sentenced to two years’ imprisonment
Mehman Huseynov was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment after he complained of having been tortured by police. Human Rights House Foundation calls for his immediate and unconditional release.
Belarusians protest against the “tax on parasitism”
Protests against the President’s Decree No. 3 “On the prevention of social encumbrance” were held on Sunday, 26 February in four major cities of Belarus. Now participants of the “Marches of Non-Parasites” are massively becoming subjects to the administrative violation protocols.
Беларусы выступаюць супраць “падатка на дармаедства”
Акцыі супраць Дэкрэту № 3 аб папярэджанні сацыяльнага ўтрыманства прайшлі ў нядзелю, 26 лютага, у чатырох буйных гарадах Беларусі. Цяпер на ўдзельнікаў “Маршаў недармаедаў” пачалі масава складаць пратаколы аб адміністрацыйных правапарушэннях.
All humans need rights
“In Croatia, constitutional values are now questioned in the media and by government officials. Yet 65 percent of people support the rights in the constitution, such as gender equality and women’s rights; we need these people to not stay silent and to stand up to defend these rights.”
A necessary pillar for a lasting peace
“We, as human rights defenders, do not believe that people stand beside sufferance without compassion. People said “never again,” and their will has been a lasting peace.”
Croatia must stand beside civil society at United Nations
The Human Rights Council opens today in Geneva. For Croatia, it carries strong symbolic value: it is the first time that it will attend as a member of the United Nations’ highest body to promote human rights.
Ten years as a home for human rights
This year, Belarusian human rights defenders celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the Belarusian Human Rights House, established in exile in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Stronger together on international advocacy
HRHF is establishing a Human Rights House working group on international advocacy. This will formalise HRHF and the Human Rights Houses’ bottom-up approach that is our strength in international advocacy, and increase coordination on advocacy among Houses.