

October 27, 2002

The Rafto Prize for 2002

The Rafto Foundation wishes to support the saharawi´s struggle for human rights and self-determination, and has therefore decided to give the Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize for 2002 to Sidi Mohammed Daddach from Western Sahara. Daddach has spent more than half his life as a prisoner of conscience, without giving up the fight for human rights and dignity. (Norwegian language) (27-OCT-02)

October 27, 2002

Report from seminar on terrorism and human rights

On March 23. the Norwegian Human Rights House organized a seminar entitled “Menneskerettigheter i klemme” on human rights after September 11. The report from the seminar is now available online in Norwegian language. Read the report (PDF) (27 September, 2002)

October 27, 2002

The Rafto Prize for 2002

The Rafto Foundation wishes to support the saharawi´s struggle for human rights and self-determination, and has therefore decided to give the Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize for 2002 to Sidi Mohammed Daddach from Western Sahara. Daddach has spent more than half his life as a prisoner of conscience, without giving up the fight for human rights and dignity. (Norwegian language) (27 October, 2002)

October 23, 2002

Letter to OSCE on Belarus

President Marek Nowicki of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) in the Republic of Poland has written a letter to the OSCE, remarking Belarusian authorities´ violation of the freedom of expression. (23 August 2002)


October 23, 2002

UN must not accept human rights violations

UN must not accept human rights violations in the war against terrorism. Many countries use the war against terrorism as an excuse to suppress people. Norwegian NGO´s urge Norway to focus on this in the UN. (Norwegian language) (23 October, 2002 )

October 23, 2002

UN Facts

The Human Rights House Foundation has made a short article in Norwegian language with basic facts about the United Nations. (23 October, 2002)

October 17, 2002


UN’s Security Council will debate a resolution that might authorize an American military attack on Iraq. In a letter to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs the Human Rights House Foundation urges Norway to work towards a peaceful solution, and to vote in consistency with the UN pact. Read the letter (Norwegian language) (17 October)

October 17, 2002


UN´s Security Council will debate a resolution that might authorize an American military attack on Iraq. In a letter to the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs the Human Rights House Foundation urges Norway to work towards a peaceful solution, and to vote in consistency with the UN pact.  (Norwegian language) (17 October, 2002)

October 9, 2002

Prosecuting genocide in Rwanda

With approximately one million people killed in three months, the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 was one of the most extensive in the 20th century. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has released a new report on how Rwanda deals with it. (9 October)