Georgian youth on human rights
Is it a mission or profession to be a human rights defender? Do women have the same rights as men in Georgia and how far should journalists go in protecting their sources? Three young Georgians explore these topics.
Global crackdown on funding
Limitations imposed by governments on access to foreign resources for civil society have become a worrisome trend.
5 trials of Belsat TV journalists this week in Belarus
Belarusian authorities don’t allow Belsat journalists to cover official events, arrest them; moreover, there have recently been increasingly frequent trials and fines.
5 судоў на тыдзень – у Беларусі судзяць журналістаў тэлеканала Белсат
Белсатаўцаў не пускаюць на афіцыйныя мерапрыемствы, затрымліваюць, а апошнімі месяцамі – усё часцей выклікаюць у суды і штрафуюць.
Representatives of the independent REP trade union officially charged
On 2 August 2017 the chairman of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Workers (REP) Henadz Fiadynich and REP chief accountant Ihar Komlik were arrested in Minsk. Henadz Fiadynich is currently under house arrest, and Ihar Komlik is still in custody. On August 10 they were charged.
Прадстаўнікам незалежнага прафсаюза РЭП выстаўленыя абвінавачанні
2 жніўня 2017 г. ў Мінску былі затрыманыя Генадзь Фядыніч, старшыня Беларускага незалежнага прафсаюза работнікаў радыёэлектроннай прамысловасці (РЭП), што на дадзены момант знаходзіцца пад падпіскай аб нявыездзе, ды галоўны бухгалтар РЭП Ігар Комлік, які дагэтуль утрымліваецца пад вартай. 10 жніўня ім былі выстаўленыя абвінавачанні.
Azerbaijan: Crushing all independent media
Azerbaijan has taken another step in its crackdown on independent media, launching a criminal case against media outlet the Turan Information Agency on charges of tax evasion.
Azerbaijani Human Rights Defenders and activists in Georgia
„Solidarity to Afgan Mukhtarli! Freedom to Afgan Mukhtarli!“ representatives of Human Rights House Tbilisi and its member organizations, other human rights defenders, journalists and civil activists were holding banners with these and other slogans during the protest action in front of the Chancellery of the Government of Georgia. Part of them had polyethylene bags over the heads to protest the abduction of the Azerbaijani journalist and to express their solidarity to him.
The UN Human Rights Committee registered the first “parasite tax” complaint
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC) took into consideration the complaint of Vladimir Katsora, one of Homel spring protests activists.