

November 3, 2006

Is the Ukrainian minority in Poland under threat?

Two events directed against the Ukrainian minority in the Republic of Poland took place at the end of October. They caused alarm within the Ukrainian community. The expert Dorota Hall (right) from the Helsinki Foundation, says “that the situation is serious and arouses concern”. However, she awaitens the response from the authorities before passing judgments regarding the deterioration of the situation surrounding the Ukrainian minority in the Republic of Poland. (03-NOV-06)

November 3, 2006

Is the Ukranian minority under threat in Poland?

Two events directed against the Ukrainian minority in the Republic of Poland took place at the end of October, both causing alarm within the Ukrainian community. The expert Dorota Hall, right, from the Helsinki Foundation, says “that the situation is serious and arouses concern”. However, she awaits the response from the authorities before passing judgments regarding the deterioration of the situation surrounding the Ukrainian minority in the Republic of Poland. (03-NOV-06)

November 2, 2006

Human Rights House Network in Zagreb

The three Croatian Human Rights organisations; B.a.b.e. – Group for Women´s Human Rights, the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and the Croatian Law Centre will on this Thursday and Friday host representatives from the Human Rights House Network in Zagreb. The International Conference on “Discrimination and anti-discrimination policies” have participation the Balkans, Caucasus, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Network will also hold it annual meeting. (21-NOV-06)

November 2, 2006

The Rafto Prize 20th Anniversary Celebration

The Rafto Foundation is glad to announce that many former Rafto Laureates will attend the historical event that is to take place this weekend in Bergen. The event wants to celebrate the work the Rafto Laureates has performed during the last 20 years. The guests include Trivimi Velliste from Estonia, Leyla Zana from Kurdistan/Turkey, Palermo Anno Uno from Italy, Ian Hancock representing the Romani people, Shirin Ebadi from Iran, Paulos Tesfagiorgis from Eritrea, Rebiya Kadeer from Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region and Lidia Yusupova from the Chechen Republic. (02-NOV-06)

November 2, 2006

The Day of Political Prisoner in Russia

On October, 30th the Day in Memory of Victims of Political Repressions celebrated all over the Russian Federation. Nowadays political prisoners are appearing in the Russian Federation again and their number is increasing. There are scientists, businessmen, lawyers, members of oppositional movements and religious dissidents among them. (02-NOV-06)

November 2, 2006

March against Hatred

On October, 29th the Anti-Fascist March against Hatred was held in the center of St Petersburg. More than 600 people, including Russian Federation Ombudsman for Human Rights Vladimir Lukin, took part in the march. Participants approved an appeal to President Putin, accusing anti-Georgian campaign launched by authorities. (02-N0V-06)

November 2, 2006

New cartoon from the Race for Tibet campaign: ‘China’s perfect zero’

Today, the Norwegian Tibet Committe passes on a link to a cartoon made and distributed by the previously introduced (09-OCT-06) Race for Tibet campaign. The cartoon can be found here, , at the Race for Tibet website. Race for Tibet is established to protest against China´s occupation and massive human rights violations towards Tibet in the build-up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics. (02-NOV-06)

November 2, 2006

Victims of Political Repression in Russia

On October, 30th the Day in Memory of Victims of Political Repressions and their struggle for civil and political rights of all people was celebrated all over the Russian Federation. Today political prisoners are appearing in the Russian Federation once again and their number is increasing. There are scientists, businessmen, lawyers, members of oppositional movements and religious dissidents among them. (02-NOV-06)

November 1, 2006

Belarus has extended the list of prisoners of conscience.

The leader of the youth organization “Young Front” Zmitser Dashkevich was sentences today to 1.5 year of imprisonment because of “acting on behalf of unregistered organization”.  The cruel verdict has been passed in a closed trial by a judge Ala Bulash. Belarusian civil society expresses the active protest against the tough sentence and the existing of this Criminal Code article as such. (1-NOV-06)