Расшифровка трансляции рассмотрения доклада Беларуси на 124 сессии КПЧ ООН. День 2
8 и 9 октября 2018 года в Женеве на 124 сессии Комитета по правам человека ООН рассматривали доклад Беларуси, который государство представило впервые за 20 лет.
Вакансія ў Беларускім ДПЧ: менеджэр адукацыйнай праграмы ILIA-By
Беларускі дом правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава шукае менеджэра адукацыйнай праграмы ILIA-By. Падаць заяўку можна не пазней за 6 сакавіка.
HRH Chernihiv takes over development of ILIA Online
To build on the successes of ILIA Online, Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv has taken over the operation and further development of the human rights education programme and platform, and is in the process of consulting partners from across the network of Human Rights Houses.
In Exile for Defending Human Rights
“I remembered how we made the decision to leave the occupied territories of Crimea,” recalled Tetyana Bondarenko, an attendee of an exhibition featuring seven suitcases containing the belongings of human rights defenders forced to leave their homes.
From Shrinking Space to Post-Revolutionary Space
Discover how progressive civil society groups became among those at the forefront of the Armenian revolution, by acting as an inspiration and role model for larger social groups by popularising mechanisms and techniques of resistance.
Threats to media freedom in Serbia
In response to the removal of publications critical of the Serbian government at Belgrade airport, journalists together with activists from Human Rights House Belgrade gathered at the airport to promote the “banned” publications.
Key Independent Human Rights Awards 2019: Deadlines and Criteria
Human Rights House Foundation believes that recognition in the area of human rights can serve as a protection measure for threatened human rights defenders and their organisations. To increase awareness of these useful protection tools, we share the upcoming deadlines of some of the key human rights awards.
Promoting Human Rights Defenders in Georgia
Promoting the importance of human rights defenders and their work in Georgia, Human Rights House Tbilisi (HRHT), on behalf of its member organisations, organised the first celebration of International Human Rights Defenders Day in Georgia.
Defending Rights in Croatia
Human Rights House Zagreb organised the public debate “Human Rights Defenders” to mark the 20th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.