Concerns about responses by state authorities to the global COVID-19 crisis
The network of Human Rights Houses is concerned by recent actions on the part of state authorities across western and eastern Europe, the western Balkans, and the Caucasus in response to the escalating COVID-19 crisis. These actions, taken to combat the rising number of infections and deaths associated with COVID-19, raise questions about states’ commitments to civic freedoms and human rights.
Azerbaijani authorities must not continue to use COVID-19 pandemic to further crackdown on civil society
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) remains very concerned with a number of recent actions taken by the Azerbaijani authorities in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
«Свобода выражения мнений является фундаментальным правом каждого человека». Выступление адвоката Людмилы Казак
Беларусский дом прав человека публикует выступление в апелляционной инстанции Людмилы Казак, адвоката Ивана Комара, признанного политзаключенным.
Mid-term review of project: “PEACE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS”
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is seeking consultants in order to undertake a mid-term review of its project “Peace for Human Rights Defenders: Protect, Empower, Advocate, Connect and Engage.” Any individual or firm interested in undertaking this evaluation should submit a proposal by 14th April.
Права на роўнасць і забарона дыскрымінацыі
У Мінску адбыўся семінар “Права на роўнасць і забарона дыскрымінацыі: стандарты і каштоўнасці”.
New UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Appointed
Human Rights House Foundation welcomes the appointment of Mary Lawlor as the new United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders. The appointment was made during the 43rd session of the Human Rights Council.
HRC43: Human Rights Defenders
On 4 March 2020, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the Human Rights Council on Human Rights Defenders.
Беларускія праваабаронцы сустрэліся са Спецыяльным дакладчыкам ААН аб стане правоў чалавека ў Беларусі
Праваабарончая супольнасць Беларусі 23 і 24 лютага ўдзельнічала ў каардынацыйнай сустрэчы, зладжанай Беларускім домам правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава ў Вільні. Да сустрэчы далучыліся міжнародныя партнёры, у тым ліку Спецыяльны дакладчык ААН аб стане правоў чалавека ў Беларусі, Фонд дамоў правоў чалавека, Хельсінкскі фонд па правах чалавека, FIDH I CRD.
Head of Administration and Finance, Oslo
Human Rights House Foundation seeks an experienced manager to lead its operations related to finance, administration, fundraising, logistics, and human resources. The Head of Administration and Finance is one of four senior leadership positions within the organisation and is responsible for managing the provision of critical administrative and finance support functions to ensure the efficient planning and implementation of HRHF’s international operations and programmes.