

August 31, 2010

Iranian journalist sentenced to six years’ imprisonment

On 3 August, Iranian journalist Badressadat Mofidi, right, was sentenced to six years in prison by Branch 26 of Iran’s Revolutionary Court. Mofidi was formerly the secretary-general of the Association of Iranian Journalists in Tehran, an organization that was established by prominent journalists in 1997 and shut down by the authorities in 2009.

August 31, 2010

Four Tibetan student magazine editors arrested, two of them sentenced

Sonam Rinchen and Sonam Dhondup, two students who helped to edit the Tibetan student magazine “Namchak”, have been sentenced to two years in jail. Two other editors of the magazine, who were arrested at the same time as them in March, are still awaiting trial.

August 30, 2010

Анне Политковской исполнилось бы 52 года

Сегодня день рождения удивительно красивой, талантливой и бесподобно мужественной женщины. Она могла бы радоваться жизни, наслаждаться собственным счастьем и счастьем своих детей и внуков. Но увы, этого уже не случится никогда… И в памяти людей во всем мире она останется вечно молодой, красивой женщиной с грустными глазами. Однако печаль, сквозившая в ее взгляде, была связана […]

August 30, 2010

Kazakhstani HR defender receives the 2010 Sakharov Award

Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Bjørn Engesland, presented on 27 August 2010 the award to Evgeniy Zhovtis, right, in the prison in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Republic of Kazakhstan, where Mr. Zhovtis is currently being held. Together with his organization, the Republic of Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, Evgeny Zhovtis has been one of the most significant human rights defenders in the Republic of Kazakhstan for two decades.

August 29, 2010

Somali journalist killed in Mogadishu fighting

Veteran radio journalist Barkhat Awale, right, was killed by crossfire on 24 August in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, according to local journalists and news reports. He is the second journalist killed on duty in the Republic of Somalia this year. The security situation worsens in Mogadishu as a result of a major offensive launched on 23 August by the Islamist militia Al-Shabaab.

August 29, 2010

Tibet: 4 mine protesters killed, 30 wounded

Police in China’s southwestern Sichuan province on 17 August responded with lethal force to a group of Tibetans protesting the expansion of a gold mining operation they say is harming the environment, according to Tibetan sources. At least four Tibetans may have been killed in a standoff with police.

August 29, 2010

Jailed Iranian blogger receives Freedom of the Press Award

The National Press Club has announced the recipients of the 2010 John Aubuchon Freedom of the Press Award, which is given each year to individuals who have contributed to the cause of press freedom and open government. This year, the international recipient is Iranian blogger Kouhyar Goudarzi, who is being held in notorious Tehran’s Evin Prison.

August 29, 2010

Тэма палітычных знікненняў: пад забаронай да гэтай пары

Улады Беларусі нервова ставяцца да ідэі належнага расследвання палітычных знікненняў. Ва ўмовах расту грамадскай зацікаўленасці ў рашэнні гэтага пытання чыноўнікі забараняць правядзенне грамадскіх мерапрыемстваў, праводзяць арышты актывістаў. Праз больш за 10 год з моманту свайго знікнення, некаторыя з палітычных актывістаў і да гэтай пары здольныя да распальвання грамадскай актыўнасці ў краіне.

August 26, 2010

Фільтрацыя як новы крок інтэрнэт-цэнзуры

Беларускія інтэрнэт-правайдэры, як і школьнікі, рыхтуюцца да 1 верасня — менавіта з гэтай даты ўсе яны павінны мець магчымасць фільтраваць забароненую інфармацыю ў беларускай інтэрнэт-прасторы. Не гледзячы на крытыку міжнароднай супольнасці і магчымыя выдаткі, гэты наступны крок па узмацненню цэнзуры інтэрнэту ўжо гатовы да здзяйснення.