

July 4, 2011

Belarusians detained and beaten up for silence

Silent protest actions in Belarus end up with beating up and arrests of peaceful citizens and journalists. After the nation-wide action held on 29 June, more than 300 people were detained. Such an inadequate reaction to peaceful protests was condemned by the international community.

July 2, 2011

Belarus: dozen of journalists detained and beaten

In a new crackdown against the independent press, Belarusian police briefly detained and beat more than a dozen reporters, and broke their equipment at June 29 protest rally in Minsk and Brest, according to news reports and Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) sources in Belarus.

July 2, 2011

У Беларусі затрымліваюць і збіваюць за маўчанне

Маўклівыя акцыі пратэсту ў Беларусі завяршаюцца збіццем і затрыманнямі мірных грамадзянаў і журналістаў. Пасля акцыі, што прайшла па ўсёй краіне 29 чэрвеня, былі затрыманыя каля 300 чалавек. Такія дзеянні уладаў выклікалі асуджэнне міжнарожнай супольнасці.

July 1, 2011

Rafto laureate’s appeal to end violence against migrants in Mexico

A statement demanding urgent action by the state of Mexico to protect migrants and human rights defenders was released by Rafto Laureate José Raúl Vera Lopéz, Rafto Foundation and other organizations in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico on 16 June 2011.

June 30, 2011

RPO’s motion to the Constitutional Tribunal to conduct a constitutional review of the laws governing

The Human Rights Defender (RPO) filed motion with the Constitutional Tribunal (TK) to conduct a constitutional review of the laws governing the use of technical measures as part of investigative techniques used by law enforcement agencies. The RPO cites the HFHR’s statement on the matter.

June 30, 2011

HFHR’s negative assessment of amendments to the law proposed in relation to the preparations to EURO

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has made a critical assessment of the legislative process for the amendment of a number of laws needed to properly organise the European Football Championships EURO 2012. In particular, the HFHR has reservations regarding the course of the work done so far.

June 26, 2011

Bahrain: life sentences for exercising right to free speech

English PEN is shocked by the life sentence handed down to academic and human rights activist Dr Abdul-Jalil Alsingace on 22 June 2011 for his peaceful opposition activities. He is among twenty-one activists convicted this morning of ‘plotting to overthrow the government’ after a violent crackdown on peaceful opposition protestors in the capital, Manama. Eight of twenty-one activists were sentenced to life imprisonment.

June 26, 2011

Tajikistan: BBC journalist arrested, government plans to amend a new media law

While Tajik Government seeks to amend the new media law, which contains a number of positive features, including a proclamation of mass media freedom, journalist Urinboy Usmonov, a reporter for the BBC Central Asian Service for the last ten years, was arrested in Tajikistan last week for alleged ties to an extremist group. There is a widespread belief that his arrest was an attempt to censor coverage of sensitive political and religious issues.

June 25, 2011

Norway to double funds for child vaccines

At the conference in London of the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), Norway has pledged to double the amount of funding it currently provides for vaccinating poorer children around the world against preventable diseases like pneumonia. Doctors Without Borders Norway evaluates this is as an important step in the right direction.