

November 14, 2011

Праваабаронцы і адвакаты: узаемадзеянне і узаемадапамога

5-7 лістапада ў Вільні прайшла міжнародная канферэнцыя «Абарона правоў чалавека шляхам прадастаўлення прававой дапамогі. Лепшая практыка еўрапейскіх краін». Адвакаты і праваабаронцы з Беларусі, Расіі, Грузіі і Азербайджану абмеркавалі праблемы, звязаныя з дзейнасцю юрыстаў у гэтых краінах і паспрабавалі знайсці іх магчымыя вырашэнні.

November 13, 2011

Observation of the 11th November rallies

At the request of the Chief of the Warsaw Police Force, 24 observers of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights were sent to observe rallies held on the Poland’s Independence Day. The Foundation’s experts watched the gatherings which came together at Plac na Rozdrożu, Plac Konstytucji and Marszałkowska Street in Warsaw. The rallies were marred by a number of riots and clashes between police and demonstrators.

November 13, 2011

Bialiatski persecuted for speaking out on behalf of others

The trial against Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski on allegations of large scale concealment of income is part of a broader campaign to silence human rights defenders, says the joint statement of Article 19, Index on Censorship and English PEN.

November 11, 2011

Situation of human rights defenders in Georgia

Human Rights defenders in Georgia complain that during the last three years they have faced different forms of pressure and intimidation which have included threats or fabricated charges e.g., espionage, physical and verbal assault, and irregular inspections by state organs. They also complain about stigmatization and smear campaigns in media and by high ranking officials.

November 10, 2011

Ugandan court: 30 years for killer of gay activist

10 November 2011, Associated Press reports that a Ugandan court has sentenced a man to 30 years in prison for killing a gay rights activist.
A high court judge on Thursday handed down the sentence to the man who admitted that he bludgeoned David Kato to death with a hammer in January.

November 9, 2011

Court discontinued the proceedings in the case on defamation in scientific review

On Wednesday, 9 November 2011, the District Court in Lublin discontinued the proceedings against S.P., accused of including defamatory statements in his review of the book by M.P., Professor at the Catholic University of Lublin and a member of the European Parliament. At the same time, the Court announced that the statements of reasons would be presented in seven days.

November 9, 2011

Brave fighters for human dignity at Rafto Symposium in Bergen

On 4 November Frank Mugisha, the laureate of rafto prize 2011, in his keynote address at the Rafto Symposium spoke about his work for LGBT people in Uganda and the challenges human rights defenders are facing. The annual Rafto symposium included a number of famous human rights defenders who talked about challenges HR defenders are facing in the future.

November 8, 2011

Belarus review on torture at the United Nations

On 11 and 14 November the United Nations Committee against Torture has considered Belarus on the implementation of the Convention against torture and other cruel and inhuman treatment.

November 7, 2011

Report “Non-custodial preventive measures”

Courts and prosecutors still do not use non-custodial preventive measures often enough, says the joint report by the HFHR, the Forum of Civic Development and the Polish Business Roundtable drafted as part of the ‘Better Justice System’ project. The report examines the practical application of such measures as surety, duty to report to local police, prohibition to leave the country or suspension from work in criminal proceedings.