

March 5, 2012

Беларус працягвае галадаваць за сцяг

Ужо больш за два месяцы працягвае галадоўку пратэсту віцебскі актывіст КХП БНФ Сяргей Каваленка (на здымку), асуджаны да 2 гадоў і 1 месяца турэмнага зняволення. Жонка Каваленкі звярнулася ў Міжнародны Чырвоны Крыж, пракуратуру і да Спецдакладчыка Савета па правах чалавека ААН.

March 3, 2012

Nominees for Freedom of Expression Awards 2012

Index on Censorship has announced the nominees for the 2012 Freedom of Expression Awards. This year 15 candidates were nominated in journalism, advocacy, innovation and arts categories. The winners will be announced on March 28.

March 1, 2012

Public hearing on the Assemblies Act

Taking into account the significant public interest in the works on an amendment to the Assemblies Act, the joint Sejm Committees of Justice and Human Rights and Administration and Internal Affairs decided to hold a public hearing on the amendment. The hearing was scheduled at noon on 7 March 2012. As part of the public consultation process, the HFHR submitted an opinion containing a number of legal concerns relating to individual provisions of the draft amendment.

March 1, 2012

Right to peaceful assemblies and manifestations in Georgia

Georgian Constitution guarantees the freedom of assembly and manifestation, however, Georgian public witnessed unlawful intrusion of law enforcers in the right to peaceful assembly and manifestation several times throughout 2011. A significant number of legislative amendments were adopted that appear to affect the right to association and to peaceful assembly.

February 29, 2012

Sikh’s case goes to appeal

Shaminder Puri appealed against the decision of the first-instance court given in the case against the Polish Border Guard Service. Mr Puri, a British Sikh, filed a suit seeking protection of his personal interests reportedly violated by Border Guard officers ordering him to remove his turban during security checks performed at Okęcie Airport in Warsaw. In December 2011 the Circuit Court in Warsaw dismissed all Mr Puri’s claims.

February 29, 2012

Human rights: online and offline!

Human Rights House Foundation is concerned about the violations of Internet freedoms in South Caucasus and Eastern Europe.

February 28, 2012

Kyrgyzstan blocks main Central Asian news agency

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is disappointed to learn that authorities in Kyrgyzstan have moved to block access to a highly respected news agency covering the Central Asian region, The decision is not only in breach of the country’s international obligations with respect to media freedoms, but stands in contrast to the positive level of openness which has characterized Kyrgyzstan in recent years.

February 27, 2012

NHC Seminar: Putin Era Is Over

Putin will not survive the next presidential term. He will off course win the upcoming elections, he is in reality the only candidate, but he will be replaced within two years. The Russian political elites will ensure this, together with the protesters in the streets. This was one of the conclusions of Nicolay Petrov, who participated at The Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s seminar Presidential Elections in Russia – a New Spring?, at the House of Literature in Oslo on 15 February

February 26, 2012

Mother of the death convict: “The hope arose that my son would not be executed”

Liubou Kavaliova (right), the mother of the sentenced to the death penalty Uladzislau Kavaliou, appeals to all authorities with the hope of saving her son. Deputies of the European Parliament discussed the death penalty in Belarus and adopted the respective resolution.