

November 2, 2012

UN committee strongly criticizes discrimination in Turkmenistan

While the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women welcomes legislative improvements and Turkmenistan’s submission of its country report, it also notes that it is “seriously concerned about attitudes and policies reinforcing discriminatory traditional norms, harmful practices, patriarchal attitudes and deep-rooted stereotypes”.

November 2, 2012

Meeting of South Caucasus human rights defenders in Tbilisi

On October 25-27, regional meeting of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders was held in Tbilisi based hotel Bomondi. The main topic of the conference was intimidation on human rights defenders and lawyers in the South Caucasus countries. They planned joint strategic campaign and drafted recommendations to the governments of South Caucasus countries.

November 1, 2012

Norway moving towards debt justice

Recently Norwegian Minister of Development Erik Solheim announced that Norway will make an assessment of the legitimacy of developing countries’ debt to Norway. This means that the government will be the first ever to carry out a creditor’s debt audit.

November 1, 2012

У Беларусі рыхтуецца ліквідацыя чарговай праваабарончай арганізацыі

Установа па абароне правоў вязняў «Платформа» падала апеляцыйную скаргу на рашэнне Мінскага гаспадарчага суда аб закрыцці арганізацыі, вынесенае 9 кастрычніка.

October 31, 2012

ECtHR declares that coercive placement in a nursing home violates the right to liberty

The European Court of Human Rights delivered the judgment in the case of K. versus Poland. The Strasbourg Court found that the coercive placement of a legally incapacitated person in a nursing home was in violation of the right to liberty.

October 30, 2012

Supreme Court have generally upheld the acquittal of a local blogger

The Supreme Court ruled in the case of Łukasz Kasprowicz, a blogger charged with defaming Zofia Springer, the mayor of Mosina, a town located in Poznań in western Poland. In June 2011 the blogger was acquitted by the Circuit Court in Poznań. A large part of the cassation complaint lodged by the private complainant was dismissed by the SC. In the Court’s opinion the Circuit Court’s judgment was free from the inadequacies identified in the complainant’s cassation.

October 27, 2012

Global media community calls on the UN to effectively protect journalists

Index on Censorship, Committee to Protect Journalists and ARTICLE 19 joined more than 40 international media organisations demanding urgent action by governments, the United Nations and industry to stop violence against journalists and end impunity in attacks on the press.

October 27, 2012

Journalist Andrzej Poczobut: “I will continue writing until I am imprisoned”

Investigative authorities of Belarus prolonged an investigation into the case of Belarusian independent journalist Andrzej Poczobut. Poczobut, the correspondent for the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza, is accused of libelling the Belarusian president. The investigation states that some of his articles posted on the Internet “contain libelous statements concerning the head of state”.

October 26, 2012

Supreme Administrative Court has dismissed complaints of judges without presidential appointment

The Supreme Administrative Court dismissed the complaints of four judges not appointed to office by the Polish President. The cases of six more judges are yet to be heard. The claimants are represented pro-bono by Mr Marcin Ciemiński, Clifford Chance, and Mr Patrick Radzimierski, Salans.