

May 13, 2013

Беларускія адвакаты, пазбаўленыя ліцэнзій за сваю дзейнасць, падтрымліваюць украінскіх калег

Група былых беларускіх адвакатаў, якія зазналі пераслед уладаў, звярнулася са словамі падтрымкі да украінскіх калег. Яны накіравалі адпаведны ліст на адрас Вышэйшай кваліфікацыйна-дысцыплінарнай камісіі адвакатуры Украіны.

May 11, 2013

Belarusian HRH organized a lecture on human rights for Belarusian pupils in Vilnius

On 17 April the representatives of the Belarusian Human Rights House organised a lecture on human rights for schoolchildren of Vilnius. The organizers introduced fundamental rights and freedoms to high school pupils through interactive exercises.

May 9, 2013

Helsinki Committee & HFHR: nobody can serve for the same crime twice

A joint statement by the Helsinki Committee in Poland and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights warns that the draft law “on proceedings against mentally disturbed persons who pose threat to life, health or sexual liberty of others” may infringe human rights protection standards.

May 9, 2013

Court of Appeal rules: acquisition of Bogdan Wróblewski’s data was illegal

The Court of Appeal in Warsaw has dismissed the appeal of the defendant, the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA), concerning the protection of personal rights of the claimant, journalist Bogdan Wróblewski (case file number I ACa 1002/12). The Court reaffirmed the earlier ruling by the Regional Court which had decided to maintain the claim.

May 9, 2013

Беларускі ДПЧ арганізаваў лекцыю па правах чалавека для беларускіх школьнікаў у Вільні

17 красавіка прадстаўнікі Беларускага дома правоў чалавека правялі лекцыю пра правы чалавека для віленскіх школьнікаў. Праз інтэрактыўныя практыкаванні арганізатары пазнаёмілі гімназістаў з асноўнымі правамі і свабодамі.

May 9, 2013

Belarus recognized as one of the worst countries in terms of freedom of speech

On the eve of World Press Freedom Day, Freedom House has published an annual report where Belarus was once again among the worst countries in the world in the field of freedom of speech. The organization “Reporters Without Borders”, in turn, condemned the persecution of Belarusian journalists.

May 8, 2013

Results of the third edition of the Best Human Rights MA Thesis contest

The winners of third edition of the Best Human Rights MA thesis contest organised by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights have been announced. The board of the contest, chaired by Professor Ewa Łętowska, decided to grant three awards and one special prize.

May 6, 2013

У пытанні свабоды слова Беларусь прызнаная адной з горшых краін

Напярэдадні Усясветнага дня свабоды прэсы Freedom House апублікавала штогадовую справаздачу: Беларусь зноў апынулася сярод найгоршых краінаў свету ў галіне свабоды слова.Арганізацыя “Рэпарцёры без межаў” у сваю чаргу асудзіла пераслед беларускіх журналістаў.

May 4, 2013

HFHR lawyer awarded

Dominika Bychawska-Siniarska, director of the Observatory of Media Freedom in Poland has been awarded the Article 54 Journalists’ Prize by the Polish Journalists Association. Article 54 of Poland’s Constitution stipulates that “The freedom to express opinions, to acquire and to disseminate information shall be ensured to everyone. Preventive censorship of the means of social communication and the licensing of the press shall be prohibited”.