

June 21, 2013

Проект ILIA для адвокатов разных правовых систем:права человека универсальны, а их изучение доступно

Посредством использования современных технологий и нестандартных учебных заданий, проект Сети Домов прав человека “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека ” предоставляет участникам возможность дистанционно получать знания и формировать навыки судебной защиты, основанной на концепции прав человека, в рамках курсов подготовленных и сопровождаемых международными и национальными экспертами .

June 21, 2013

New video material on torture revealed in Georgia

More than 10 persons are detained or wanted by the Ministry of Interior of Georgia who are allegedly connected to the materials found in special cache in Samegrelo on June 17. The materials include video records about physical and sexual violence of people by the police officers.

June 20, 2013

Прысуд – смерць

У сярэдзіне чэрвеня Гарадзенскі і Гомельскі абласныя суды вынеслі два смяротныя прысуды. Гэтыя судовыя рашэнні былі скрытыкаваныя шэрагам міжнародных структур і праваабарончых арганізацый.

June 19, 2013

HFHR intervenes in matter of religious dietary regimens in prisons

The HFHR has sent a letter to the General Director of the Prison Service, responding to the reluctance of prison authorities to provide prisoners with a diet that meets their religious requirements. The Foundation referred to the ECtHR judgment in the case Jakóbski versus Poland, issued in 2010.

June 19, 2013

Decision is final: Mehman Huseynov not allowed to travel

-Not allowing Mehman Huseynov to come to Oslo to receive the Press Prize Award is an example of how the Azerbaijani authorities repress free speech and human rights defenders’ work in the country, says Maria Dahle, director of Human Rights House Foundation.

June 18, 2013

Prize-winning photojournalist denied permission to leave Azerbaijan

-Photojournalist Mehman Huseynov (23) at Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) in Azerbaijan, was yesterday banned from traveling to Oslo, Norway, where he is to receive a prestigious award from Fritt Ord Foundation and the Zeit Foundation, says Maria Dahle, director of The Human Rights House Foundation today.

June 17, 2013

The work of Belarusian graduates of ILIA project: the response to serious problems of Belarus

The final conference of the project “International Law in Advocacy. Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” was held in Vilnius from 13 to 15 May. Belarusian advocates and lawyers along with their colleagues from Azerbaijan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine, who during this year were performing tasks, discussing the problems and getting new knowledge within the framework of the project, have become participants of the conference.

June 16, 2013

Работа беларуских выпускников ILIA – ответ на реальные и серьезные проблемы Беларуси

С 13 по 15 мая в Вильнюсе прошла финальная конференция проекта “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека “. Белорусские адвокаты и юристы, которые вместе с коллегами из Азербайджана, Молдовы, России и Украины в течение года выполняли задания, вели дискуссии и получали новые знания в рамках проекта, стали участниками конференции.

June 15, 2013

The mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus was extended

The fact that the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Belarus was extended have been revealed on June 14 after a vote of delegations that are now part of the UN Council on Human Rights. Delegations from 26 countries voted for the resolution containing the proposal to extend the mandate of Miklos Haraszti (right) with 3 votes opposed and 18 abstained According to the regulations the resolution was adopted by a simple majority vote.