

December 3, 2013

Peaceful protests in Kiev meet violent police reaction

Following the violent dispersal of the demonstration of 29-30 November in Kiev, the courts are now filling up with so-called “Euromaidan” activists charged for hooliganism and with lawyers acting pro bono.

December 2, 2013

The “Democratic Fair” was held Vilnius

On 28-29 November ByRoom event was held in Vilnius. This was a kind of Belarusian civil society forum, where activists had a chance to present the activities of non-governmental organizations, share ideas and participate in the discussion of important issues for Belarus during organized round tables. Thus, on 29 November, during a round table dedicated to the results the Summit of the Eastern Partnership, human rights defenders and other participants discussed ways to promote human rights in Belarus.

December 2, 2013

Vladimir Putin is met by protests in Armenia

Following Armenia’s decision to join a customs union with the Russian Federation, President Vladimir Putin is visiting the country on Monday 2 December. The protests in favour of rapprochement with the European Union spread from Maidan in Kiev to Yerevan.

November 30, 2013

У Вільні прайшоў беларускі “дэмакратычны кірмаш”

28-29 лістапада ў Вільні прайшоў ByRoom – своеасаблівы форум грамадзянскай супольнасці Беларусі, дзе актывісты змаглі прадставіць дзейнасць грамадскіх арганізацый, падзяліцца ідэямі і паўдзельнічаць у абмеркаванні важных для Беларусі пытанняў падчас арганізаваных круглых сталоў. Так, 29 лістапада падчас круглага стала па выніках Саміта Усходняга Партнёрства праваабаронцы і ўдзельнікі абмеркавалі шляхі прасоўвання правоў чалавека ў Беларусі.

November 28, 2013

Waldemar T. acquitted. Justice system admits its fault

“It should never happen in a democratic state ruled by law that a murder trial is pending for 18 years. The court, however, is not going to look for those responsible within the ranks of the Prosecution Service. The entire justice system – law enforcement bodies, first and second instance courts – should beat their breasts”, these were the summing-up words of the District Court Judge Igor Tuleya, who brought to an end the sixth trial in the case of Waldemar T. After 18 years, the defendant was acquitted once again.

November 27, 2013

Court: extradition of Belarusian oppositionist is inadmissible

The Circuit Court in Warsaw found that a decision to extradite an opposition activist to Belarus was inadmissible under the law. The proceedings in the case had been pending for a few months.In the first instance, the Circuit Court held that the activist can be legally handed to the Belarusian authorities.

November 26, 2013

The UN’s human rights work should be increased

Members of the Human Rights House Network (HRHN) express their concern to learn that the European Union is aiming at further reducing the ordinary budget of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The NGOs call upon the European Union to support the work of the Office, by increasing its ordinary budget as a way to strengthen the impact of its work and cooperation by all States.

November 22, 2013

Международные эксперты за права российских НКО.

Российский закон «об иностранных агентах» не соответствует международно-правовым стандартам, а отношение власти к некоммерческим организация нуждается в переосмыслении и реконструкции.
К такому выводу пришли организаторы и участники круглого стола «Развитие некоммерческого законодательства. Международный опыт», прошедшего 31 октября в Москве.

November 22, 2013

Elections in Azerbaijan: Council of Europe cannot sweep violations away

International and Azerbaijani NGOs express in a joint call to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe their dismay of the Assembly’s findings in regard to the Presidential election in Azerbaijan.