

March 17, 2014

Support, empower and protect human rights defenders

In March 2013, the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on the protection of human rights defenders. It establishes principles and standards for States to create an enabling environment for human rights defenders. One year after its adoption, the Human Rights House Network calls upon States to implement this resolution.

March 14, 2014

ECtHR judgments in case Potomska and Potomski v. Poland still waits to be enforced

Three years ago the European Court of Human Rights ruled that a lack of procedure allowing for the effective pursuit of compensation in a situation where a person is unable to use their property for its intended purpose constitutes a breach of property rights.

March 13, 2014

Wider access to banking services for persons with disabilities

The Polish Bank Association informed the HFHR that in May 2013 the organisation prepared the Best Practices in the Provision of Banking Services for Persons with Disabilities.

March 9, 2014

Ukrainian expert Sergey Burov: “ILIA program strengthens the capacity of civil society in Belarus”

Project “Bring International Standards Home. De facto implementation of international obligations of the Republic of Belarus in the field of civil rights and freedoms” (BISH) gave participants the opportunity to get information about the work of the bodies and structures of the United Nations from the Belarusian and international experts.

March 7, 2014

Amicus curiae brief in Orlandi and others v. Italy

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has presented a legal brief in the case of Orlandi and others v. Italy, currently pending before the European Court of Human Rights. The case concerns the violation of the right to respect for private and family life resulting from the Italian authorities’ denial to register a civil partnership entered into abroad.

March 6, 2014

Problem of ordering pre-trial detention still unsolved

According to the data from the Ministry of Justice there is a drop in the number of pre-trial detention orders. In 2011, district courts issued more than 18,000 orders, whereas in 2012 the figure fell to 15,000. It seems that decisions to admit motions to order pre-trial detention filed by prosecutors are taken by courts in a somewhat automatic way.

March 6, 2014

The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian HRH against Russian intervention in Ukraine

On 3 March representatives of the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian HRH participated in the protest against the intervention of the Russian army in the territory of Ukraine. On 5 March representatives of the Belarusian HRH handed an appeal to the representatives of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Lithuania. The appeal on behalf of the Belarusian HRH calls to avoid further escalation of the conflict.

March 6, 2014

Украинский эксперт Сергей Буров: “Программа ILIA укрепляет потенциал гражданского общества Беларуси”

Проект “Имплементация де-факто международных обязательств Республики Беларусь в области гражданских прав и свобод” (BISH) предоставил своим участникам возможность получить информацию о работе органов и структур ООН от беларуских и международных экспертов.

March 6, 2014

Беларускі ДПЧ імя Б. Звозcкава супраць увядзення расійскага войска ва Украіну

3 сакавіка прадстаўнікі Беларускага ДПЧ імя Барыса Звозcкава прынялі ўдзел у акцыі супраць увядзення расійскага войска на тэрыторыю Украіны, а 5 сакавіка паслу Расійскай Федэрацыі ў Літве быў перададзены зварот ад імя Беларускага ДПЧ з заклікам не дапускаць далейшай эскалацыі канфлікту.