Don’t let Formula 1 sportswash Azerbaijan’s human rights abuses
This weekend, Azerbaijan hosts its first grand prix in Baku. The Formula 1 race is another example of the Azerbaijani government’s attempt to “sportswash” its image, after 2015’s Olympic spin-off, the European Games.
New high-profile case in Belarus – Jhon Silver
Eduard Palchys, the alleged founder and author of Internat portal, aka Jhon Silver, was extradited from Russia to Belarus on 1 June. On this portal the analytical reports on the socio-political situation in Belarus and Ukraine were published, however for a long time its author remained unknown.
UN torture prevention body to return to Ukraine in September
The UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) may continue its visit to Ukraine in September, which was previously interrupted by obstacles from SBU.
Council must address threats to the independence of judges and lawyers
On 16 June 2016, HRHF delivered a joint statement to the Human Rights Council, during the dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Monica Pinto. In it, HRHF welcomed the Special Rapporteur’s report and her efforts to gather first-hand information from civil society, and highlighted the risks human rights lawyers face in the course of their work.
Новая гучная справа ў Беларусі – Jhon Silver
Эдуард Пальчыс, меркаваны стваральнік і аўтар рэсурсу,вядомы пад псэўданімам Jhon Silver, быў экстрадаваны ў Беларусь з Расіі 1 чэрвеня. Гэты сайт публікаваў аналітычныя агляды пра грамадска-палітычную сітуацыю ў Беларусі і Украіне, аднак доўгі час яго аўтар дзейнічаў інкогніта.
UN Secretary General seeks to address threats and reprisals
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon is seeking to strengthen the UN’s response to acts of intimidation or reprisals against those cooperating or seeking to cooperate with the UN.
The announcement was made during the introduction of his 2016 annual report to the Human Rights Council’s 33rd session.
Lawyers and civil society give input to Special Rapporteur
On 11–12 June, the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Mónica Pinto, will meet with and gain input from lawyers and civil society actors. Ahead of this consultation in Belgrade, members of Human Rights House Belgrade spoke to HRHF about the importance of the consultation and the benefits of a cross-border community of lawyers.
Bialiatski: “The Special Rapporteur is the only international monitoring mechanism we have”
On the eve of the voting for the renewal of of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus the human rights defenders have launched an information campaign to ensure that the mandate is renewed, calling for the citizens of different countries to encourage their representatives to vote “for”. At the same time the analysis of the human rights organization “Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights” that studies the changes in the human rights situation after the abolition of the EU sanctions could serve as the example of impact of the international mechanisms and their revocation.
Бяляцкі: “Спецдакладчык – адзіны міжнародны механізм кантролю, які ў нас застаўся”
Напярэдадні галасавання за працяг дзеяння мандата Спецдакладчыка па правах чалавека праваабаронцы праводзяць шырокую інфармацыйную кампанію для таго, каб мандат захаваўся і грамадзяне розных краін заклікалі сваіх прадстаўнікоў галасаваць “за”. У той жа час прыкладам таго, як уплываюць на сітуацыю ў краіне міжнародныя механізмы ўздзеяння і іх адмена, можа служыць аналіз ад праваабарончай арганізацыі “Libereco — Партнёрства па правах чалавека”, што адлюстроўвае змены ў сітуацыі з правамі чалавека пасля адмены санкцый ЕС.