FOAA Online: Easily accessible legal arguments on assembly and association rights
FOAA Online! is a web-based collection of easily accessible legal arguments for lawyers, activists and judges involved in freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association (FOAA) cases.
New complaint mechanism on violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights enters into force
On 5 May 2013, FIAN International celebrates the coming into force of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (OP-ICESCR). Under the Protocol, victims of violations of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), such as the right to food, health, education, and housing, who are unable to seek relief for their claims within their own country, can seek redress at the international level by filing a complaint with the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in those countries that have ratified.
SCC celebrates ten years of existance
Today, on 12-MAR-04, Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina promoted the book “10 years` existence of the Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”. The book characterizes a ten-year existence of the Serbian Civil Council – Movement for equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina . (12-MAR-04)