Attacks on journalists in Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation – attacks on freedom of expres
Over the last ten years there have been numerous attacks on journalists in the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Yet, in all three countries, not one of these incidents has resulted in a full and effective investigation or prosecution of the instigators of these crimes. Article 19 and International Media Support (IMS) call to protect journalists in these countries and to combat impunity in a constructive way.
Kyrgyzstan: HR reporter gets life sentence, journalist remains detained
Kyrgyz human rights reporter Azimjon Askarov was convicted and sentenced to life in prison by a court in Jalal-Abad region, southern Kyrgyz Republic on 15 September 2010. Kyrgyzstan-based Uzbek journalist Ulugbek Abdusalamov was arrested on 14 June in the same Jalal-Abad region and has been held in detention since then.
Ukraine: international conference dedicated to ‘disappeared’ journalists
On 16 September 2000, Ukrainian journalist Georgiy Gongadze ‘disappeared’ on his way home from work and was later found dead. To date none of the masterminds behind his killing has been brought to justice. To commemorate Georgiy and honour journalists in the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, who, like him, were killed because of their work, on 16 September, 2010 Article 19 and IMS are hosting an international conference in Kyiv to redefine advocacy strategies to combat impunity.
Azerbaijan: joint mission concerned by state of freedom of expression ahead of elections
A coalition of nine freedom of expression organizations undertook a joint mission to Republic of Azerbaijan from September 7-9. In a joint statement released on 15 September, organisations call for the Azerbaijani government to immediately and unconditionally release imprisoned journalists, and appeal to authorities to put an end to the climate of impunity gripping the country.
Azerbaijan: freedom of expression situation has deteriorated over the past five years
A new report launched by the human rights organisation Article19 concludes that the freedom of expression situation in the Republic of Azerbaijan has deteriorated over the past five years and should be considered among the most pressing human rights concerns in the country.
Ten international NGOs goes to Azerbaijan on freedom of expression mission
The “International Partnership Group for Azerbaijan” launched a three-day freedom of expression mission to Republic of Azerbaijan on 7 September, during which ten international nongovernmental organisations will highlight their serious concerns regarding the freedom of expression situation in the country, which has been unfolding with little attention from the international media spotlight.
Belarus: suspicious ‘suicide’ of human rights activist and Charter97 founder
Aleh Byabenin, right, one of Belarus’s leading journalists and human rights activists, and among the founders and leaders of website, has found dead in his summer cottage not far from Minsk. Contrary to suggestions that Byabenin must have committed suicide, no suicide note was found and no other possible indicators suggest the same.
Iranian journalist sentenced to six years’ imprisonment
On 3 August, Iranian journalist Badressadat Mofidi, right, was sentenced to six years in prison by Branch 26 of Iran’s Revolutionary Court. Mofidi was formerly the secretary-general of the Association of Iranian Journalists in Tehran, an organization that was established by prominent journalists in 1997 and shut down by the authorities in 2009.
Jailed Iranian blogger receives Freedom of the Press Award
The National Press Club has announced the recipients of the 2010 John Aubuchon Freedom of the Press Award, which is given each year to individuals who have contributed to the cause of press freedom and open government. This year, the international recipient is Iranian blogger Kouhyar Goudarzi, who is being held in notorious Tehran’s Evin Prison.