

July 12, 2010

The court found the artists guilty

Two men who organized a controversial art exhibition in Moscow in 2007 have been found guilty by a Russian court of inciting hatred. According to the court, the works displayed at the exhibition were “a public offense to Christians.”

June 13, 2010

Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University

The application for the 2011 session of the annual Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP) at Columbia University is now available.

May 30, 2010

Russia must give Aleksei Sokolov a fair trial

Russian human rights activist and the head of an organization campaigning against torture Aleksei Sokolov has been sentenced to five years in a high security prison colony, one year after his arrest by police outside his house in Yekaterinburg. Aleksei Sokolov was charged with robbery.

May 28, 2010

Семинар “Как работать с гражданами с психическими расстройствами”

Международные эксперты, а также российские специалисты в области психиатрии выступят с докладами и ответят на вопросы участников по таким вопросам как: базовые знания о психических расстройствах; психические болезни, расстройства личности и поведения, интеллектуально-мнестическая недостаточность, недееспособность, медицинский и юридический аспекты. недееспособности, неспособность понимать значение своих действий и руководить ими во время совершения сделки , общие правила приема лиц с психическими расстройствами, информация о тех расстройствах, с которыми можно часто встретиться на приеме, некоторые способы определения способности лица понимать значение своих действий и руководить ими, правовое положение лиц с психическими расстройствами, разбор типовых случаев оспаривания сделок, заключенных лицами с психическими расстройствами.

May 28, 2010

Seminar ‘How to Treat People with Mental Disorders’

The seminar is organized by Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia in cooperation with public organization ‘Ivanovo Regional Society of Human Rights’, Commission on Human Rights by the Governor of Ivanovo Region and Department of the Internal Policy of Ivanovo Region with the financial support of European Commission.

International experts and specialists from IPA and other Russian organizations will make reports and answer questions of the participants on such issues as basic knowledge on psychological disorders, psychological diseases, dissociations, incapability, medical criteria of incapability, legal status of citizens with mental disorders, etc.

May 24, 2010

Human rights seminar in Voronezh

Representatives of public authorities and non government organizations in Voronezh seek ways to apply European standards of international human rights law more effectively.

May 1, 2010

Moscow authorities violated right to freedom of assembly again

Human rights activists across the Russian Federation stage protests on the 31st day of January, March, May, July, August, October, and December to focus attention on Article 31 of the Russian Federation Constitution, which guarantees freedom of assembly. The latest one was the ninth protest action of the kind which was not permitted by Moscow authorities.

April 12, 2010

Презентация «Наставления по проверке соблюдения прав граждан органами внутренних дел»

12 апреля 2010 года в 15:00 в Независимом пресс-центре состоится презентация «Наставления по проверке соблюдения прав граждан органами внутренних дел» (Пособие для общественных инспекторов).
В презентации принимают участие:
Алексеева Людмила Михайловна, председатель Московской Хельсинкской группы (РИЦПЧ);
Бабушкин Андрей Владимирович, председатель Комитета за гражданские права, автор пособия;
Борщев Валерий Васильевич, председатель Общественной наблюдательной комиссии г. Москвы (РИЦПЧ);
Габисов Валерий Георгиевич, президент Ассоциации гуманизации правоприменительных органов;
Маяков Андрей Владимирович, заместитель председателя Комитета за гражданские права;
представители МВД РФ

April 12, 2010

Presentation “Instructions on human rights’ observation by law enforcement bodies”

12th of April at 12:00 Ludmila Alexeeva (MHG/Human rights House I Moscow) and Valery Borschev (Social partnership Foundation/Human Rights House in Moscow) will participate in presentation organized for public inspectors, supervising close institution in Russia according to a new law on public control over closed establishments of Russia over the places of deprivation of liberty came into force in 2008 “Instructions on inspection of citizens’ rights observation by law enforcement bodies”. Law on public control over the places of deprivation of liberty came into force in 2008. It empowers NGOs to control the situation with human rights in prisons, colonies, pretrial detention centers, disciplinary military units, penal hospitals, etc.
The presentation also will be visited by members of Public Supervisory Committee, representatives of non-government organizations and law enforcement bodies.