Coiffure Costas got an ad – Tibet didn’t
The three major Greek newspapers; Athens News, Khatimerini and Eleftherotypia, have all refused to publish a commercial advertisement submitted by the International Tibet Support Network. (26-AUG-04)
Oslo: More human rights organisations gathered under one roof
The Norwegian human rights environment is gaining strenght. On August 26 at 5 PM, Prime Minister Bondevik will attend the official opening of the new Human Rights House, now including more organisations and also co-locating with Amnesty International. The move also marks the 15th anniversary of the first Human Rights House ever to be established, in the East End of Oslo, back in 1989. (25-AUG-04)
Norwegian version
Chechnya: Elections should be postponed
The International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights and the Moscow Helsinki Group renewed their calls to the Russian government today to postpone the presidential elections in the Chechen Republic scheduled for 29 August. Their call comes a day after the Central Election Commission of the Chechen Republic rejected the candidacy of Malik Saidullaev, a popular Chechen businessman, as a contender in the forthcoming ballot.(23-JULY-04)
Annan asked to move summit in Tunisia
At the recent IFEX AGM in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, 31 member organizations signed a letter urging UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to move the next session of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), due to take place in Tunisia in November 2005, unless Tunisia makes substantial progress on respect for freedom of expression. Norwegian PEN was one of the 31 organizations. (13-JULY-04)
Human Rights House Network 10 years!
This year, the Human Rights House Network celebrates its 10th Anniversary. An international conference will be hosted by the Secretariat in Oslo 13-14 October, titled “Activists under attack. Defending the right to be a human rights defender.” (30-JUNE-04)
Preliminary conference program
Sarajevo: From torture chambers to Human Rights House
Buried bodies were what was found when the renovation of what was later to become the Human Rights House of Sarajevo began in 1997. Previously, it had served as an interrogation and torture centre. This week, representatives from 10 countries in the Human Rights House Network gather in Sarajevo, among other things to make preparations for an international conference to take place in Oslo in October on human rights defenders’ deteriorating working conditions and general security. (30-JUNE-04)
Sophie Price to Kenyan Activist
The Kenyan Activist Wangari Maathai was awarded the Norwegian Sophie Prize last week. Ms Maathai is one of the most outspoken and respected environmental activist in Africa, who for the last 30 years has fought fearlessly for the protection of the environment and human rights. – President Mois authoritarian regime is over, and Kenyans are free. But building democracy is a long process that has only just been allowed to begin, said Mr Niels Jacob Harbitz (picture) at the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH), who spoke at the ceremony. He emphasized the importance of supporting civil society.(21-JUNE-04)
We are moving!
The Norwegian Human Rights House will move to new facilities on 7 June 2004. In addition to the present organisations at the Human Rights House, we will share offices with Amnesty International, Nansen Dialogue Project, The Norwegian Council for the Rights of Kurdish People, and The Norwegian Burma Committee. The intention is to strengthen human rights work both on a local, national and international level. New contact details: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160 Oslo, Norway. Tel: (+47) 22 47 92 00, Fax: (+47) 22 47 92 01. (28-MAY-04)
New Human Rights House in Oslo
The Norwegian Human Rights House will move to new facilities on 7 June 2004. The present organisations at the Human Rights House will share offices with Amnesty International, Nansen Dialogue Project, The Norwegian Council for the Rights of Kurdish People, and The Norwegian Burma Committee. The intention is to strengthen human rights work both on a local, national and international level. New contact details: Tordenskioldsgate 6b, 0160 Oslo, Norway. Tel: (+47) 22 47 92 00, Fax: (+47) 22 47 92 01. (28-MAY-04)