

March 27, 2012

The Arab Spring and international debt: Egypt’s debt to Norway

On 17 December 2010 Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire after the police had denied him the permission to sell food on the street. This incident set off a series of uprisings throughout Middle East. In certain countries, like Bahrain, we have seen an end to the demonstrations without significant political change. However, in other countries, we know that previous regimes have been removed from power, and that new governments are taking shape. This is – in different ways – the case in Tunisia and in Egypt. These regime changes have led to an international discussion about debt cancellation

March 19, 2012

Review of reforms in Cuba

Since Fidel Castro, long time Cuban leader, stepped down as president in 2008, his younger brother Raúl Castro assumed the office. Since then Cuba, previously embracing old soviet-style economic and political policies, has begun to change. Whilst it would be naïve to state that Cuba is moving toward democratic and open society, the reforms undertaken by R. Castro are having a real impact on Cuban population.

March 19, 2012

Urgent need to protect the rights of peasants

The High Level Group of Experts of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) estimates that between 50 and 80 million ha of land in poor and developing countries have been negotiated, acquired or leased by international investors. Large-scale land transactions are undermining food security, livelihoods and the environment of local populations. This wildly spreading global phenomenon has been the reason why there have been so many reports of human rights violations in rural areas recently, especially with regards to land rights.

March 16, 2012

Azerbaijan: In Solidarity with Khadija Ismayilova

International and Azerbaijani NGOs condemn the blackmail and continued harassment of one of the few independent investigative journalists working in Azerbaijan, Khadija Ismayilova.

March 14, 2012

Conference: Action on Belarus!

Norwegian PEN, Human Rights House Foundation and Norwegian Helsinki Committee invite you to the conference “Action on Belarus!” in Litteraturhuset in Oslo on 22 March.

March 13, 2012

Political and religious populism threatens freedom of expression

Political use of religious symbols and play on religious feelings undermine freedom of speech and political debate in many parts of the world. Populist politicians exploit human insecurity and powerlessness by stirring demonstrations, public rage and violent actions against members for alleged blasphemy, unbelief and lack of respect for sacred symbols. Religious-based law and scripture interpretation restrict human freedom.

March 12, 2012

‘Tsar’ Putin returns to Kremlin

Vladimir Putin is set to return to Kremlin for third term after winning Russian presidential elections on 4 March. Putin, who has dominated Russian politics since 2000, has won almost 64 per cent votes according to Russia’s central election commission. However the scale of Putin’s victory was immediately questioned by opposition leaders.

March 9, 2012

One year since the closure of Azerbaijan Human Rights House

One year has passed since Azerbaijan Human Rights House was asked to seize all activities until an agreement with the authorities was adopted.

March 6, 2012

Nobody brought to justice over murdered editor Huseynov

The murder of Monitor editor-in-chief Elmar Huseynov, who was fatally gunned down in his apartment building in 2005, is still not solved.