

February 18, 2011

Croatia: ongoing impunity for war crimes

Amnesty International (AI) is concerned about the ongoing impunity for war crimes in Croatia and calls on authorities to investigate and prosecute all cases committed during the 1991-1995 war in Croatia. Witnesses, who could provide necessary evidence through their testimonies, are reluctant to do so due to ongoing threats and intimidation against them. The victims and their relatives are left without access to justice and reparation.

November 5, 2010

Press conference

”Is there a system in this vandalism ?”

November 5, 2010

Press conference

”Is there a system in this vandalism ?”

November 2, 2010

Webcast: Croatia under UPR

HRH Zagreb organizes public webcast

October 19, 2010

Round table

”Place of an Other in the architecture of fear ”

October 19, 2010

Book presentation

An unknown neighbor – the anthology of South-East Europe

October 19, 2010

Broad discussion

The social responsibility of football fans

October 11, 2010

7th Regional Forum

on transitional justice

October 5, 2010

Meeting of Informal coordination

Human Rights Education in Schools